Unknown Diease/Problem

I hope you all can help this nube... I have peppers that are turning dark/black but I cannot find any answers or similar conditions.
Here are pics of the pepper pods, bad and good....
Bad pods...
Anyone's help will be greatly appreciated....
This is my first year growing peppers but I have gardened for many years.  My garden consists of the following...
Approx 40 pepper plants in multiple plots/sets
(12) Trinidad Scorpions in one set, approx 3 feet apart, in three rows away from the other plants
(4) Butch T, 2 feet apart in one row next to 4 Ghost peppers 2 feet apart in one row
(4) 7 pot primo about 2 feet apart
(8) congo black, in two rows, 2 feeet btwn rows and 2 feet apart
(4) white hot habanero about 2 feet apart in one row
(many) in a variety of areas I have tobasco, long thin cayenne, and sweet peppers
Looks like suntan/sunburn on the butch t's, pods should be fine. Assuming the same thing for the Primos just a worse case. When the sun is hot and hits the peppers where the leaves aren't covering it can cause the shoulders or sides being hit to turn a dark purple/black. As long as the dark spots aren't soft (some sort of rot) then I'm pretty sure it's from the sun.They will still ripen just fine
They don't look too bad. My advice is to crack a beer and give them a nice spritzing with some water and seasol, maybe some epsom salts while you are at it.
Beers that pair well with watering are- Full strength sparkling ales, Milder IPA's and if feeling adventerous maybe a porter or stout.
     I'm with Scorched - it's suntan. I like beer too, so I guess I agree with Nova, too. I have a mustard hab that did the same thing this spring.

Many thanks for the feedback.  I do give the plants an epsom salt spray about every 2-3 weeks.  I had the plants shaded with cloth until about 4 weeks ago. South Georgia sun this summer has been scorching.  I try not to drink and garden... it leads to tasting my produce and with lettuce and carrots it's ok, but peppers...
I thought about the blight but I didn't see all the other symptoms and that's what concerned me; does all the symptoms have to be present.
I also give the plants an occassional shot (1/2 cup) of diluted fish emulsion.  Is that a good thing at this stage of their growth?
Will sunburn effect the taste or heat level of the peppers????
Nope, suntan/sunburn won't have any effect on the taste or heat level of your pods. Mainly cosmetic just like when you or I get a tan
Thanks.  Well I have tried the beerview approach.  It does look better through the bottom of a glass.  Who'da thunk that....
Thanks all.