Growlers and gallons of hot sauce ?!?!?????????
Without seeing the label or having any idea what's in the sauce....I'm kinda like ....WOW.
But, to be fair to an unknown processor....if the sauce is 3/4 vinegar, maybe it is a legal sauce... knowing that nothing can survive in 3/4's vinegar.
As far as registration with the FDA- that is not necessarily mandatory. If the person only sells in-state and the product is an acidic food, they don't need to be FDA registered. (No interwhebz, etc...).
In WA state, we also have a differentiation between Retail sales and Wholesale sales. If I'm only RETAILING (selling directly to the customer such as at a FM) I can get licensed by my county health district. If I WHOLESALE, I have to get State Dept of Ag licensed. If I want to do both....I have to get licensed by both!
$$$$ for everyone~~~~
If you can go to one of the FM's where the person is at, I would definitely ask a few questions. You could bait them with questions like-
Are you a local processor?
Who's your PA?
Oh, you don't know what a PA is?
Who did your process letter?
Who inspects your facility?
"Hey, I'm a legal processor also. Where did you get your insurance?"
"How are you going to deal with NIPs?"
If they fail any of these questions. you're kind of at a crossroads. You could ask a lot more questions, get the person Hung By The Tongue, maybe even buy a bottle for evidence and then turn their ass in.
Or talk to them about the error of their ways. See if they know they are illegal and then make it very clear that you will be informing all the "pertinent people [FM market master, store managers, local inspectors] " that the person will be contacting them about getting legal.
Puts them on notice and everyone else also. That could allow the person to GetLegal but doesn't tarnish their whole name. They can come back to the stores after they're legit and be all good.
PS- those who've gone through the process to get legit understand what it takes. For a while, in the hot sauce social forums, there was a tolerance for Hobby Saucers selling sauces. That has changed recently after some really bad things have come out. Most sauce reviewers and bloggers will now only review legally made sauces. But there's still a lot of sauces being presented as legal sauces that really aren't.
Hang in there. Doing it right costs more in time, effort and $$$$. but it's worth it.
The same thing happens in all industries. Our "other" business is electrical contracting.... talk about REGULATIONS!!!!! And the amount of time and $$$ it takes to run a legal electrical contacting business and maintain all of our electrical licenses with continuing educations, etc, etc, etc.....yea, I get pissed at JoeBlows doing electrical work when they shouldn't ....
OK, end of rant. We're on the same side here. Let us know what you do, if anything, and how it turns out.
Side Note to mnlpshotsauce-
I've seen Hellfire Hot Sauces on FB, did not make the connection to you here on THP. Suggestion to put a link to your website with simple letters to your website in your SigLine. Starts people associating the sauce to you....
also, you can change your forum name once or twice (in case of miss-spellings or whatever during registration). PM me if you want more details....