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Updates + 1 Odd Pod

Thought I would post an update on my plants.
All are doing great most have buds/flowers an
pods and some a fruiting nicely.heres a few
(6 actually lol) pics of them and 1 strange
Numex Big Jim Pod.
My H.H.Wax Jalapeno N.B.Jim and Hab ??

My Fatalli (tons of flowers and Babies growing

My Naga Mo (also lots of flowers and Babies)

Continued below
My Tabasco(tons of flowers,Babies,My favorite Plant)

My J.R.S.Bonnet(recoving well has buds again and My Tam(loaded
with Pods)

And Finally the Odd Numex (freaky looking)

Thank again to all who shared seeds,advice and all around help.
I wouldnt be this far along without it,or without this great site!!
I will be sharing seeds back soon!!
good looking plants HPFF...great going...that Big Jim has a Little Jim...
The plants look great and healthy! Good work. The pod looks awesome, too bad it can't be preserved in that state. Glad we have a pic of it now!
Very good you have all plants healty & growing so soon you will have fun picking the ripe pods hope you enjoy eating it too.
I cant remember how old they are :lol: I think
the naga big jim tabasco fatalli scotch bonnet
were all planted the same time round late march
if I remember correctly the Jalapeno was started
in April (I think) the Tam Hab and Hot Wax were
store bought as replacements for 1 I planted that
didnt make it due to storms or my inexperience
(this is my 1st attempt at growing)
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
I cant remember how old they are :lol: I think
the naga big jim tabasco fatalli scotch bonnet
were all planted the same time round late march
if I remember correctly the Jalapeno was started
in April (I think) the Tam Hab and Hot Wax were
store bought as replacements for 1 I planted that
didnt make it due to storms or my inexperience
(this is my 1st attempt at growing)

was a late planter for majority of my plants to..and many of yours look about the same stage of mine..hey beginners luck :);)