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urgent help needed with Bhut Jolokias

Hi, after I moved to a new place 3 months ago my Bhut Jolokia plants (2 years old or more) are dying. I already lost 3 or 4 and the 5 reminded are very bad. See pictures, very small leaves, no fruits or very small fruits, some branches dried... these plants were very healthy and big producers... could be this the results of the having too much chlorinated water (my only suspicious). I am desperate. Any suggestions on the causes and what to do for fast recover?

The photos are no good, because I took them right now in the middle of the night.... I can sleep thinking on my Bhut!

Anyone interested to trade Heirloon varietes from Brazil (Dedo de Moca, Malagueta, Malaguetinha, Brinco de Moca, Saco de Boi, Pimenta de Cheiro, Rabo de Macaco, etc etc) please contact me :)

Welcome to THP. I would stop using the water asap and get some RO (reverse osmosis) or distilled water as a first step. Have you looked for any signs of insects, mites, or fungus? If possible; better close up pictures would be a big help.
I would also hold off giving any fertilizer until you can stabilize them. You might also consider re-potting them; take a good look at the roots if you do. Trim away any that look sick and you might give them a dip in some 3% peroxide diluted to 1/4 c. per gallon of water. I'm sure there will be some other posters along with some ideas soon. Good luck.
What i do since i've joined this forum is to leave some water in containers and leave them overnight. I leanred it from the good members of thp.

The water we get now is from two sources, a deep well and the public waterworks. We normally use the well wster for the plants but i am too far from the well (too lazy, lol). So i use tap water from the faucet which is a mix of both sources.
Thanks for the fast reply. No insects, mites or fungus. You mean to re-pot bare rooting the plants? They will survive to this?
I trimmed the plants that finally died, used organic fertilizers, etc with no results.

Will take decent pictures tomorrow with sun light :)


Welcome to THP. I would stop using the water asap and get some RO (reverse osmosis) or distilled water as a first step. Have you looked for any signs of insects, mites, or fungus? If possible; better close up pictures would be a big help.
I would also hold off giving any fertilizer until you can stabilize them. You might also consider re-potting them; take a good look at the roots if you do. Trim away any that look sick and you might give them a dip in some 3% peroxide diluted to 1/4 c. per gallon of water. I'm sure there will be some other posters along with some ideas soon. Good luck.
Thanks for the fast reply. No insects, mites or fungus. You mean to re-pot bare rooting the plants? They will survive to this?
I trimmed the plants that finally died, used organic fertilizers, etc with no results.

Will take decent pictures tomorrow with sun light :)


A healthy plant will survive with no problem; yours are an unknown; but you're losing them regardless.
Based on the one's that already died; how long will your others likely survive? I'd like to hear from some other posters to get some different opinions; but the photos will be important. I'd stay away from fertilizers for the time being.
Love to do a trade PM on the way

Hi, after I moved to a new place 3 months ago my Bhut Jolokia plants (2 years old or more) are dying. I already lost 3 or 4 and the 5 reminded are very bad. See pictures, very small leaves, no fruits or very small fruits, some branches dried... these plants were very healthy and big producers... could be this the results of the having too much chlorinated water (my only suspicious). I am desperate. Any suggestions on the causes and what to do for fast recover?

The photos are no good, because I took them right now in the middle of the night.... I can sleep thinking on my Bhut!

Anyone interested to trade Heirloon varietes from Brazil (Dedo de Moca, Malagueta, Malaguetinha, Brinco de Moca, Saco de Boi, Pimenta de Cheiro, Rabo de Macaco, etc etc) please contact me :)

From the pictures of your bhuts I have to agree with AjarnV.
Trim, repot and change water source. Don't fertilize and don't expose them to full sunshine until they start to recover.


Portuguese now...

Oi Dreampimentas.
Concordo com as sugestoes do AjarnV.
Acho que a sua melhor hipotese é podar as plantas, mudar de vaso e tentar mudar de fonte de água. Não fertilize e não exponha as plantas a muitas horas de luz solar directa por dia.
Espero que elas se recuperem
From the pictures of your bhuts I have to agree with AjarnV.
Trim, repot and change water source. Don't fertilize and don't expose them to full sunshine until they start to recover.


Portuguese now...

Oi Dreampimentas.
Concordo com as sugestoes do AjarnV.
Acho que a sua melhor hipotese é podar as plantas, mudar de vaso e tentar mudar de fonte de água. Não fertilize e não exponha as plantas a muitas horas de luz solar directa por dia.
Espero que elas se recuperem

'Ola' amigos'. I heartily agree about no full sunshine also. He's losing them fast and drastic action is warranted. Even in their weakened state they'll do better than if just left in their pots. Living things want to live and will fight to survive if given any chance.
The water should not be a problem. If you think there is excess chlorine, you can put some water in a jug and let it sit overnight. The chlorine will evaporate. Or, pet stores sell dechlorinator for fish tanks.

Agree with Ajarn above. Assuming you cant see anything above the soil, I think you have a bacterial/fungal problem below the soil that has led to root rot. Pull the plants out and take a look at the roots. White or cream colored-good. Brown and mushy- no good. You can wash out the roots of all the old soil by either dunking them in water or using a light spray from the hose. Personally, I dont like using hydrogen peroxide. I'd rather use a 1/2 strength dose of a fungicide, followed by a second dose leeched into the soil a few days later. Sanitize the pot with a 10% bleach solution. Make sure drainage is sufficient. Get rid of the soil and re-plant them in a clean, airy, sterile mix. If the roots look real bad, toss the plant or at least separate it from the healthy ones. And anything you do to the plants should be away from the others and bleach any tools you may use. The spores can pass through the air.

I had this a couple years back on three plants and was able to save one. It's a tough road. If the rot is bad, then most of the time the plants are going to die anyway. And then exposing the roots and transplanting is sometimes too stressful for them. And if they dont, they very rarely produce. You have the good fortune that these plants are a couple of years old. Good luck.
New Pictures uploaded


Those look very bad/terminal. You need to re-pot asap. What I'd like to know is; what is the difference between where you lived and where you have moved? My guess is you brought "it" with you. How long after you arrived at your new place did this start?
In any event; if you are to save them you need to re-pot them and I would suggest a new pot and, as ditter said, airy soil for each one. Good luck; hope you're in time.
I re-potted 2 of my plants following instructions... one looks dying the other looks like sprouting... with the other I did differently, put some antifungus, antibacterial + neem + fertilizer in the soil an leaves, still no big reaction, but I want to believe they are better.

But now, I am suspecting something different, dont know what...my chocolate bhut is fruiting... but the fruits are just ridiculous, the size is like a pea!!!

I still didnt discover how to add photos here so please see this 2 pictures:



any suggestions? I am devastated...

I re-potted 2 of my plants following instructions... one looks dying the other looks like sprouting... with the other I did differently, put some antifungus, antibacterial + neem + fertilizer in the soil an leaves, still no big reaction, but I want to believe they are better.

But now, I am suspecting something different, dont know what...my chocolate bhut is fruiting... but the fruits are just ridiculous, the size is like a pea!!!

I still didnt discover how to add photos here so please see this 2 pictures:



any suggestions? I am devastated...

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As for your problem, the plants look like you may have been giving them to much water, weakening the plant and making it more prone to insect damage. Go easy on the water and examine them closely for any critters that may be present.