Gun control - We are being duked by the slick talkers. All firearms dealers, no matter where they are selling, must do back ground checks on everyone who they sell a gun to. There is no gun show loop hole. There are no internet mail order guns that bypass the criminal background check. Lawful internet sales are sent to a licensed firearms dealer who does the criminal background check.
Private individuals who are not gun dealers can transfer weapons without doing a criminal background check. I can buy a gun for my wife and give it to her without a criminal background check. That is the so called gun show loop hole. It has nothing to do with being at a gun show. Some people break the law in becoming gun dealers without getting licensed. Enforce the law rather than create a new one.
Oh but enforcing that law, not using the myth of the gun show loop hole, that doesnt provide enough talking points. So they invent an issue that does not exist and ramble on and on.
Assault Weapons - This is another fabrication. Something to talk about. The last serious change to US gun laws completely outlawed the civilian ownership of assault weapons. A grandfather clause was left in for guns already owned and registered before the ban. I think it was 1986. Since then, it has been 100% illegal for a US citizen to purchase an assault weapon made after that date.
So they reinvented the term 'assault weapon' and made it apply to firearms that look like assault weapons. Then they created the first so called assault weapons ban (which did not ban assault weapons btw). It included such issues as bayonet lugs, pistol grips, fore-grips, and other purely cosmetic features. Millions and millions of dollars spent, countless people terrified, lots and lots of votes to make a law which banned things that look scary. Then the law expired.
This is what is wrong with American politics. The politicians are not interested in talking about issues because issues need to be solved (global warming). Instead, they create fake issues, things that do not matter, so they can run their mouths about it and then solve the problem easily because it does not exist, never did, never will.
BTW: Violent crime in the US has been going down steadily. Now should firearms really be at the top of the list of things to address when Nobel award winning scientists are warning that humanity is facing its most dangerous challenge in global warming?
I know we are running out of food, water, energy, and other resources but by god lets outlaw any gun that happens to be black cause them things are scary.
P.S. - I own nothing that anyone could call an assault weapon, nothing black, hate the AR15 thing. My penis is big enough. No use for the damn things. Just think the whole issue is dumb.