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Using Photobucket

I have been a Photobucket users for any year and have always been pleased with the site.  I use the free edition.  I have always, for the most part, liked how the site is designed.
Of late it is taking quite long to load the site before it is ready to function.  I have no issues with other websites loading and my ISP and network speeds are faster than they used to be.
Have any other long time users noticed a marked decline in speed recently with Photobucket?
Has anyone signed up as a paid user after being a free version user ans noticed a difference in speed?
I had to switch from photobucket because of the lag and many other issues. Phone app would upload 5+ of the same photo. Got too frustrating. I switched to imgur. It's not as user friendly but everything loads so much faster. 
I used to use Photobucket (free version... still might in the future). It was very slow for me as well. The speed was the main reason I stopped using it. I also consistently ran into an issue where it would flip my picture upside down, or even when they uploaded the proper way, when I'd post them somewhere... pics were upside down again! Very frustrating and infinitely confusing!
I also switched to Imgur, but just noticed they too switched their format (about a week or so ago; at least hows it's now working on my computer). It was so incredibly easy to upload, copy and even edit various sizes of pics in super quick speed. Unless I'm missing something, I can't change sizes from the start, but have to upload a pic at full size (takes up lots of time), then then go back and edit to make it smaller. Same with copying the url to post in forums... used to be a single click to copy, now back to the ol' right click/copy ordeal. Let's just say I was rather upset when it took me almost half an hour trying to figure it all out, and then 10 mins to do something that used to literally take about 1 single minute! Perhaps it's easier on a phone! Sigh.... wish they would just leave things be when they work well. Still better than Photobucket!
I set up an Imgur account and it is so much better.  Took a bit of looking to learn my way around but I'm pretty well on to it.
Thanks for the info.
      I had similar issues with photos randomly rotating upon uploading. Then, impossible to edit and correct.  :rolleyes: Many times.  :banghead:
     So I quit photodumpster and started using imgur at D3's suggestion. It's easy to use and works every time now that I have the hang of it. 
     Photodumpster is just useless and frustrating.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
      I had similar issues with photos randomly rotating upon uploading. Then, impossible to edit and correct.  :rolleyes: Many times.  :banghead:
     So I quit photodumpster and started using imgur at D3's suggestion. It's easy to use and works every time now that I have the hang of it. 
     Photodumpster is just useless and frustrating.
The only way I found to work around that issue was to delete the image from P, do and save all the edits in another app, then upload to P again.  It was a PITA., it matters not now!
How has your berry picking gone, M?  I searched out some good elderberry bushes with easy access while in bloom that I intend to pick when the fruit is ready.  I dug up two small bushes last year from in the country and transplanted to my yard.  They both survived, but it will be a few years until I get any decent production.  Also planted a couple blackberry bushes, a gooseberry and a red currant - I should have done these things 10 or 15 years ago.
cone9 said:
The only way I found to work around that issue was to delete the image from P, do and save all the edits in another app, then upload to P again.  It was a PITA., it matters not now!
How has your berry picking gone, M?  I searched out some good elderberry bushes with easy access while in bloom that I intend to pick when the fruit is ready.  I dug up two small bushes last year from in the country and transplanted to my yard.  They both survived, but it will be a few years until I get any decent production.  Also planted a couple blackberry bushes, a gooseberry and a red currant - I should have done these things 10 or 15 years ago.
     I'm doing pretty darn good so far!  :D I had to do some cleaning and sorting in the chest freezer yesterday, so I put all the berries I picked and froze this season in a 48qt cooler while I dug. They filled it heaping and then some.  :party:
     Elderberries started turning recently around here, so I'll be picking lots of those in the days to come. That pretty much marks the end of my season. I'm not complaining though. I've just about had it with slogging through neck-deep weeds, soaking my boots in ditches I can't see, falling in badger holes, poison ivy. Pollen. The jam and jelly making will begin soon!
     Glad to hear you were able to transplant a few plants to your yard. The elderberries ought to be producing soon enough. Better late than never!