• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Variegated Jalapeno Grow Log

So a couple years back when I was working on a commercial grow for a greenhouse I spotted this guy when I was sorting through a few dozen of our Jalapenos in 512 cell trays.  It wasn't likely to be a cross, as the seeds came from isolated seed stock from a company that only sells to nurseries. None of the other plants we had ended up looking like this. I was keeping a close eye on them.  We didn't offer any variegated peppers there at the time, so I had a hunch it was something special.  I took it home with me and tossed it in a SOLO cup.  

Where I found him:

A bit later on that season I snapped a few more pics of the plant.  

I waited for the pods to ripen and saved seeds, hoping for good things.   They took a long time to ripen and were quite corked.  Unfortunate that I didn't think to take better photos at the time:

Shortly afterwards I started some of those seeds and these guys turned up:

This is about as far as I managed with them, as I moved three hours away and started a new job.  Many of my plants were severely neglected for a span of a few months and all but one of them kicked the bucket.  I'm happy that I sent out seeds for these to several folks (who did have success with them!) and I am starting to grow some more thanks to Paul G and Chris Phillips. 

That's where I am right now!  Hopefully Canedog, Paul and Chris will chime in with their experience growing them.

Really pulling for you on that one, CC.
One of the most unusual plants I've seen!
Maybe a little Silica fertilizer of some kind
might help it hang on to those flowers.
That one was another cross from Matt's F2 seeds, Mattapeno x Mutant. Have one that's filiform and one that isn't. They are on go-slow right now as they are sulking without heating in my shed.
That did seem like a lot of variation from the Mattapeno alone, but you never really know with that one. I've had some cool Mattepenos with white/purple/green mixes in the foliage and pods, but nothing remotely approaching that level.
Got some Variegated Jalapeño Seeds a while back that I started a couple weeks ago (pretty late for my area) these are my results so far. They look a little sickly to me but the curl might just be how they are (still a little overly anxious after a majority of my pepper seedings in my main group went from looking beautiful in their first few weeks, to being sickly, leaves curled, and tiny leaves in a matter of about a week). Excited to see how they turn out, already have quiet a bit of variegation expressing.


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Thanks! And thanks for getting me set up with seeds! That's kind of what I was thinking. I've got about 7 or 8 that I'm growing I thinking since it's already warm enough outside where I live, I might start harding a few of them off even though they are still young and see if the ones kept indoors or outside mature to transplant age better. I imagine the ones outside will do better but I'm not sure with them being so young. I keep everyone updated.