great entries! too bad I missed this, I was looking in the wrong forum sections :O I wanna enter a throwdown soon, official or not, seems like a lot of fun :D
Hey e.z., they are fun! The next official one is "PIE" and it will be the first weekend in June. Hope to see you in it.

I really enjoyed this un-official veggie fest and I gotta give props to everyone who takes pictures and posts their entries. Everyone is getting really good at setting up their photos to show off their ingredients and plate-ups. This stuff is looking soooooooo good! Can you imagine what will happen to these posts when we get "smell-a-vision" on the computer? OMG!

Mel, I totally got your garnish on the plate, did not fail at all. And Pauly's foil-lined cookie sheet was spotless, not a stray crumb anywhere. Alright, off my soap box~

Back to the voting~
We REALLY scarffed on that chili, but I cast my vote for the dish I would most like to have in front of me right now. Which means, that I chose the one that has the ingredients I most enjoy.

You know,

I never really stopped to think about all the things I enjoy eating that qualified as "vegetarian"; meat free. This was kinda fun!
Pauly's right, there are so many dishes that qualify, or could easily become, vegetarian dishes. We just don't stop to think about it.

Thanks, NJA and Gassy for spearheading this Veggie Fest. Let's do it again in 6 months or a year. :)
Thanks salsalady, I saw that pie won the vote but I can't see the dates announced anywhere. =) See if I can find the time that weekend, is it still open on Sunday?
I really liked Mel's stuffed peppers, but my vote went to Paul also.

I can't believe TB didn't make some veggie tacos for this.
e.z said:
Thanks salsalady, I saw that pie won the vote but I can't see the dates announced anywhere. =) See if I can find the time that weekend, is it still open on Sunday?

It usually goes on the first full weekend of the month. Starts Friday afternoon around 5:oo EST and closes Sunday afternoon around 5:oo EST. You have to do the math for the time zone of where you live. THP posts the time and the rules along with a "proof of life" item or coins that have to be in one of the pictures. That's to prove you made the item during the time frame of the Throwdown and are not just posting pictures for a while ago.

Hope to see you there.

Let's get some more votes for this one!
JayT said:
I can't believe TB didn't make some veggie tacos for this.

What? And suffer the inevitable beat down you and THP would hand me? I WAS very tempted to do up some killer veg spring rolls though...
salsalady said:
It usually goes on the first full weekend of the month. Starts Friday afternoon around 5:oo EST and closes Sunday afternoon around 5:oo EST. You have to do the math for the time zone of where you live. THP posts the time and the rules along with a "proof of life" item or coins that have to be in one of the pictures. That's to prove you made the item during the time frame of the Throwdown and are not just posting pictures for a while ago.

Hope to see you there.

Let's get some more votes for this one!

Thanks again salsalady, for the info. I will try to enter, I just set up a clock gadget on the desktop showing Eastern US time hehe, that's minus 6 hours for me which means I will have all night to finish.

Btw, my vote went to paulky, really nice set up. Inspiring :D
Is it closed?

Congrats to Pauly yet?????