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Venus Fly Trap question

Hi all,
I am not the green thumb in the family but I bought these two VFT's from the grocery store a year ago. I thought it would be fun to feed them flies. hahaha Anyway, they went to sleep for the winter and for awhile I thought they were dead, I kept the soil damp all winter and sure as shit, this Spring they woke up! Now they have these tentacle looking flowers on them. My question is, should I cut them off? Are they sucking energy from the plant?
To cut, or not to cut. That is the question.
Thanks in advance!


That's pretty cool. I've never seen one flower before. I love carnivorous plants but I never have much luck with the vft. Going to order a couple sundews this summer and try them. We always get infested by fruit flies in the fall and I'm thinking a few sundews might help. Good luck with your vfts. Really cool plants if you can get them to thrive.
The first (and only) thing I learned about them is that they like a swampy environment. Where we live our annual average humidity is about 20% so I have the little pot in a yogurt container with water in it so it never dries out. It seems to be happy. This long tentacle flower seems like it should be cut but I'm not sure. I do know tho, that there are much smarter people than me on here that can help!
I know they are a full time wet ( as in can keep them in a water table ) and full sun plant. In sent my buddy a msg but he's at work will check back later.
This is his reply

" Rex. Yes it can cause stress to a freshly planted plant. But not an established one. I always let mine flower and seed."

So from a guy who has thousands of dollars of plant stock, this is what he says. I trust him implicitly.
So I guess I'll just leave them. They aren't "freshly planted" but I can not verify their age before I bought them. Actually, they look pretty much exactly the same now as when I bought them, except the flower.
Thanks so much for your help Sirex!