Very small root ball

I will guarantee you that I never got suspended for anything on that order.  I'm gonna guess good money that you've got a warning coming.

There's no point showing you anything or discussing any further.  You've already shown your cards.  Have a nice day.
acs1 - you'll have to pardon me for inviting a conversation.  In my world, not everything is so black and white. ;)
solid7 said:
Congratulations to you.  Strat is a fantastic guy.  But you live in Illinois, not Florida.  Have you ever grown anything anywhere else in your life? 
I know what it is to grow in the midwest, because I'm native.  It's a frickin' cakewalk compared to growing down here.  Bring your gear down to Florida, and learn from good ol' Solid7.  Take your favorable environmental conditions out of the equation, and let's develop you a pure growing skill set. ;)
That does literally zero good when the pests are down in the roots.  We both have lots of birds in our gardens, already.
Our UV index during the summer daily reaches around 14.  Along with uber-mugginess that's almost always something that needs to be recognized, so that one can consider the possibility.  That aside, mycos in almost any summer climate - in smaller containers - is typically a waste of money.  As an alternative, I prefer to use coffee grounds to create mycelial growth.  Same effect, much faster, and more heat tolerant.  If you want to innoculate soil, or media in LARGE containers, or even indoor containers, then yes, absolutely.
So no, he didn't say they were boiling.  That was me compelling the narrative.

moruga welder said:
A whole lot of shit talk eh my friend ?  Haven't you been suspended from the club before , for you smarts comments ? 
First of all I'm not 20 , I' 56 and raised 6 very successful children , ad your favorable conditions here in illinois ,
hasn't existed for quite sometime , I don't give a shit where you live , I have family there , as around the country .
Wheres your grow Glogs ?  Mine speak for themselves , I have yet seen yours . 
Bugs , bacteria blight , fungus , pests , animals exist everywhere , 
and none of this shit has to do with using root inoculant , which indeed helps build a very good root base . 
 Show your stuff ,,,     ;)


moruga welder said:
First of all I'm not 20 , I'm  56 and raised 6 very successful children , and your favorable conditions here in illinois ,
hasn't existed for quite sometime , I don't give a shit where you live , I have family there , as around the country .

and none of this shit has to do with using root inoculant  ( ^^^ )
With all due respect, none of those things make a good gardener, or serve to address the topic at hand. (therefore, they are irrelevant)  Please follow your own advice, which you rightfully pointed out.  I didn't choose to just blurt whatever was in my head at the time, because there is still good info in the subject - if one can have the discipline to have a civil discussion. (in a *discussion* forum) 
moruga welder said:
Wheres your grow Glogs ?  Mine speak for themselves , I have yet seen yours . 
Bugs , bacteria blight , fungus , pests , animals exist everywhere , 
and none of this shit has to do with using root inoculant , which indeed helps build a very good root base . 
 Show your stuff ,,,     ;)
Flexing on someone isn't a sign that you're somehow better.  Congratulations on your success.  But it's not the end-all in every single discussion.  The methods that I used when I lived in the midwest, largely just don't work here, for a myriad of reasons, and I had to learn it the hard way, over years of trial and error.  I can't grow a garden that's even 1/4 of what I was able to grow when I lived there.  One can't know such a thing, if one has not experienced it.  So you'll forgive me for dismissing the baiting and tough talk, out of hand.  The OP also grew a northern garden, and can validate the relative difficulty created by conditions.
I don't do glogs.  To be perfectly honest, I don't have the discipline to keep up with it.  (especially because my garden is perennial - it's not a 3 month competition for me)  But I've dropped plenty of references to my grows all over this forum.  I've done nutrient experiments, shown multi-year grows, even grew 4 species of pubescens successfully to harvest, in Florida. (something that isn't an easy feat)  I've also got a fairly decent record of success with identifying and turning around pest problems and deficient growth.  Not having a glog doesn't negate that.  Some people's strength is posting pictures, other's is troubleshooting and diagnosing issues.  I know pretty well by now what works in coastal central/south Florida, and that was my focus in this topic. 
I'll ask you straight out, since it seems to be an issue: do you think that growing conditions - and therefore, results - are exactly the same, everywhere?  You've made a pretty strong point of trying to dismiss regional differences, out of hand.  You make it sound like anyone can take their methods wherever they go, and apply them with the expectation of the same results. 
I never stated that root inoculants weren't useful.  Just that they can be a waste of money in small outdoor containers, under certain conditions.   They are used all of the time in indoor grows, especially on seedlings, and in a greenhouse environment. (climate control)  But if we could have had an actual discussion, I would have just pointed out that certain plants use certain mycos - so it's important to know which ones are cost effective. And there remain questions over the viability of commercially available mycos, with regards to shelf life.  If this hadn't taken such a nasty turn, I was simply trying to point out that a similar effect can be had (for free) by introducing mycelial spores from coffee grounds, to do the same basic thing.  Mycos are airborne, and will inevitably colonize any healthy container substrate.  So if you haven't inoculated the plants from a seedling stage, when they were indoors, there isn't much point left in adding them to well established plants in blazing swamp-like conditions.  And that's literally all that I was trying to get at.
moruga welder said:
All this talk for a root ball ? really , lol !    
Smarter people than you or I have made much lengthier conversations out of much less, and to the benefit of mankind.
Besides... it's a *discussion* forum.  Not a *my garden is better than yours*, forum.  Key point. ;)
solid7 said:
Smarter people than you or I have made much lengthier conversations out of much less, and to the benefit of mankind.
Besides... it's a *discussion* forum.  Not a *my garden is better than yours*, forum.  Key point. ;)
, just a drama starter , get a life bro ,     ;)
moruga welder said:
, just a drama starter , get a life bro ,     ;)
Discuss or move along...  Nobody else is really interested in making this so personal.  </drama>
Guys, please keep posts relevant to the OP. All future personal attacks will be deleted moving forward.