review Video reviews - unexpected reactions.

I just watched a video of some people reviewing a pod where the reaction is way out of line with expectations. My guess is that the pod in question may have been tampered with and had some capsaicin augmentation by an injection into the pod.

Which leads me to other "reviews" or challenges which apparently go awry. I'm certain some of these are staged for clicks/views and put out there in an attempt to go viral.

The reasons for putting the reaction on or tampering are as varied as the videos themselves but there are some good ones.

I guess there's always an incentive to fake certain things. Like mentioned to get clicks or to prank someone or to make your pod seem way hotter than it is.

I don't know maybe it's genuine for all I know but some of those vids just make you go hmmm...

Any comments on video pod reviews?
Hard to tell without seeing the review you are referring to. But in regards to extreme reactions, That is one of the reasons I decided not to do any reviews. As much as I would like to, capsaicin has an extreme affect on me even when consuming partial pods.
Ever seen someone come out of a cs chamber?  Thats the same effect.
I stick to PeterS and Nigel reviews along with the Hippy seed family....I feel they are honest and very similar to the reaction I would have with the pepper they review.
The other flaming, puking, blah blah blah I don't even look at anymore.
CAPCOM said:
I think different peppers regardless of SHU affect different people in different ways at different times. Yeah, I know whats coming after this one.
I have grown some jalapenos that hurt really bad. And I can get high from a GOOD serrano.
I still get lit up from penos every once in a while. Even my "Fooled you jalapenos" they was supposed to be no heat but would get one that felt hab hot. Like playing russian roulette with poppers. 
CAPCOM said:
I think different peppers regardless of SHU affect different people in different ways at different times. Yeah, I know whats coming after this one.
I have grown some jalapenos that hurt really bad. And I can get high from a GOOD serrano.

yeah even individual peppers vary... imean the most painful pepper i ever ate so far was madballz x 96strat sent me... it was excruciatingly painful under my tounge... but it wasno where near the hottest i have had... different molecules different reactions... that madballz x was like a wasp stinging under my touge over and over again...  unfortunately i have yet to get a single seed from it to pop... fingers crosses i got some left... really want one of those plants... have like 20 seeds germing and nothing... 3 left dry... i just need one...
JUR-Z-Devil said:
yeah even individual peppers vary... imean the most painful pepper i ever ate so far was madballz x 96strat sent me... it was excruciatingly painful under my tounge... but it wasno where near the hottest i have had... different molecules different reactions... that madballz x was like a wasp stinging under my touge over and over again...  unfortunately i have yet to get a single seed from it to pop... fingers crosses i got some left... really want one of those plants... have like 20 seeds germing and nothing... 3 left dry... i just need one...
See, Maddballz did not burn that way with me. I really liked them and because I had so many different chocolates that appealed to me last year, is why I have committed to them so heavily this year. Chocolates dont do that stingy thing with me. reds do and why I dont like many of them. Reapers are different. I like the reaper burn that follows the incredibly sweet up front taste.
Chocolate primos are going to be my thing this year. Looking forward to a nice harvest.
captaicin post the actual video is all this talk is useless.
CAPCOM said:
See, Maddballz did not burn that way with me. I really liked them and because I had so many different chocolates that appealed to me last year, is why I have committed to them so heavily this year. Chocolates dont do that stingy thing with me. reds do and why I dont like many of them. Reapers are different. I like the reaper burn that follows the incredibly sweet up front taste.
Chocolate primos are going to be my thing this year. Looking forward to a nice harvest.

Madballz didnt burn that way for me either... "Madballz X" is a whole other beast...pretty sure its madballz x big black mama, but no definitives on that... i just wanna grow it out and work with it... i just put another 10 seeds in tonight leaving me with like 3... i hope something happens...
I've yet to meet a yellow pod that can do any damage to me at all.  It's part of why I love yellow varieties so much.  Chocolates are usually not too bad, either.  But for some reason, whole red pods often wreck my stomach.  Even something as mild as a red bhut can sometimes cause cap cramps, where much hotter peppers of a different color do not.  Cooked or powdered, they're not bad, but fresh red superhots get my full respect these days.
CAPCOM said:
I think different peppers regardless of SHU affect different people in different ways at different times. Yeah, I know whats coming after this one.
I have grown some jalapenos that hurt really bad. And I can get high from a GOOD serrano.
I agree 100% everyone level is different....I had a serrano one time that left blisters in my mouth. Insanely hot.
My post above was directed at the idiot youtube stars doing outrageous stunts to get likes, $$$ and advertising.
Heck even chili peppers give me a nice little buzz after eating an entire jar  ;)
captaicin just wanted to drop a bomb and not post back.