Got your attention... Anyway I'm one of the many selling bhut jolokia seeds and plants on ebay. My ebay name is vaughn2418. I'm working on crosses between trinidad scropion\ bhut jolokia X's morich jolokia. Ive made very good headway along these lines. I think there is to much talk about how these crosses are a unstabil shot in the dark! As an experenced plant breader, I think a lot of this talk feeds on the lack of knowledge many people have on making new varieties. In the proccess, people become discouradged thinking it would be a waste of time trying, or a distrust in making a purchase! I'm excited about all this new found HEAT!!!! The experts need to pipe down, and show what they have come up with, instead of shooting down those which will produce new heat!!!! AMEN
I don't think anyone has a problem with crosses, the problem is when sellers sell hybrid/crossed plants or seeds without telling the buyer that it is unstable and will not produce the same pods as its parents
This is going to get good. :welcome: Welcome to THP plantman but why did you have to stir the pot like that on your first post? Many plant breeders here that take much pride in their crosses and you should probably try to make friends with the same interest. Got any pics?
:welcome: +1 PRF this will be good

I would hate to be a seed/plant vendor on ebay considering what I have seen, but there are a lot of people out there so business will always come in I am sure. Just send what you say you are sending and I have no issue with you.
This is going to get good. :welcome: Welcome to THP plantman but why did you have to stir the pot like that on your first post? Many plant breeders here that take much pride in their crosses and you should probably try to make friends with the same interest. Got any pics?
Got plenty of pictures.. and I love to share them! I look forward to meeting and trading info, plants, seeds, ect. I come in peace Brother!
I don't think anyone has a problem with crosses, the problem is when sellers sell hybrid/crossed plants or seeds without telling the buyer that it is unstable and will not produce the same pods as its parents
Do you base this staement on what you've heard others saying??? Or is this staement based on years of working with plants under controled conditions? Broad staements aint worth much unless you know what they are based on!
:welcome: +1 PRF this will be good

I would hate to be a seed/plant vendor on ebay considering what I have seen, but there are a lot of people out there so business will always come in I am sure. Just send what you say you are sending and I have no issue with you.
I guess doing bussiness online or ebay can grate on a fellow and tend to inpart a neg. (distrusting) attitude! I know after years of being there myself, I still have to styfil that sucker everytime its rears its ugly head! Peace Brother I do thee no harm..chilling..
This is going to get good. :welcome: Welcome to THP plantman but why did you have to stir the pot like that on your first post? Many plant breeders here that take much pride in their crosses and you should probably try to make friends with the same interest. Got any pics?
I guess everybody is the new kid on the block at one time or another! And beleive it or not, I'm here to learn more than to teach. Hot peppers are cool!!! I'm in the game!