Volunteer peppers??

I have a lot of volunteer peppers from last year. I have NEVER had a volunteer pepper come up anytime before. They are tiny plants but have volunteers coming up where my Fatalii's, Habs, Jalapeno's, and maybe a couple others. I live in West Central IL and we do have cold winters. Not sure what varieties are up,will have to wait and see. Anyone else ever have volunteer peppers pop up in the garden ...that live where there is cold winter?
maybe they were in the soil already? or when you were germinating peppers and reused the soil?

i dunno. i reuse my soil so it's gotta be one of my own when that happens. hehe.
I have a special spot where I grow my hot peppers.I have never had any volunteer peppers come up before. Tomatoes yes..peppers no. I am thinning them out and letting them live, curious to see what they are. I didn't think pepper seeds would survive the winter when temperatures can get a few degrees below zero.
I have a special spot where I grow my hot peppers.I have never had any volunteer peppers come up before. Tomatoes yes..peppers no. I am thinning them out and letting them live, curious to see what they are. I didn't think pepper seeds would survive the winter when temperatures can get a few degrees below zero.

Eh, I know of people that freeze their seed and it remains viable.
I actually have one that popped up between the rocks and brick patio here in Michigan. It was in the area where I kept my habaneros and cayennes last year. It's probably about 5" tall, and I was surprised to see it as it is my first volunteer pepper. On the other side I had a tomato popping up, so I guess I didn't do as good of a job policing up the areas as I thought.
I have several voluteer peppers this year, they came up in the garden I used last year for peppers, hundreds of them in fact. I pulled about 55 of them and replanted them in a different area. Kind of exciting, because I am not sure what they are. Waiting on the pods, hope I got some outcrossing and they come up hybrids. i live just east of Champaign so out weather must be pretty similar.