contest VOTE! Grillin' & Chillin' Throwdown

Who grilled and chilled to the max?

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Holy cow! I know someone will eventually get the most votes but i only see winners here.... ive got serious envy looking at my computer screen
Id happily eat/drink the lot of that back to back till i was on my back an immovable gurgling mass!
On any given day i couldve voted any of them.... but by an eyelash Salsalady got my vote..... anything with an ass tonne of ginger is gonna win me over.... well done everyone!
I'm so glad I decided to enter this one, I was actually gonna sit this one out but once it got kicked off, gears started turning and I figured I'd give it a go. 
I dont think I've been this stuck voting before. Everyone to me knocked this thing out of the park, in the end I ended up with SL, Frydad, and Husker. By a gnats ass I gotta go with Husker, I'm a sucker for ghost peppers and I cant stop staring at that shooter! :shocked:
Good Luck to all!
Holy Crap. Wildfires, 70 mph winds, more rain in a 1 hour period than I have ever experienced, and I grew up in Seattle. All that's left are an Earthquake, Locusts and a Sharknado. Bring it! Our phones, power and internet have been intermittent for what seems like weeks now. I hope we will be online after work today, I have some studyin' to do. This will be a hard vote for sure.
If I don't make it back for a couple days (60 mph winds predicted for this afternoon), congrats to all the entries, and thank you for my votes, it was fun and delicious.
plating was the distinguishing characteristic that made me choose the one I voted for...
I suppose I have been watching too much Master Chef
I ended up looking at Scoville and Frydad's entries as my final two.
I see this as more or less a tie in terms of presentation, but I think it was scoville's extra use of jalapeno ice cubes, as well as explaining how a brick can help with a chicken that pushed it over the top.
excellent work.
After a day of voting 37 votes!

Could be the most popular TD of the year.


The spread is ridiculous. It's ANYONE'S GAME!
i had to go with the georgia 3 way

on a side note everyone and i mean everyone did a fantastic job.  i want to enter another one even know ill get ripped off :rofl: but all these dishes makes me realize i wouldnt stand a chance.  well done.
Let's see if we can get 50 votes!
SL... BAM!!!
I had to vote for the one I kept comparing everything else to. Daaaum SL, you KILLED IT this month.
Everyone did really incredible, innovative things this month and I would love to mau thru all of them. Way to go!
Husker, that shooter looks AWESOME!
Great job y'alls!
WOW!  Finally getting a chance to check in and :eek:  THANKS for the votes so far, everyone!  It's not over by a long shot, and I'm humbled by the votes so far against such tough competition.  Any and all are crown worthy.  
If we get 50 votes, the WINNER of this TD gets to choose the NEXT TD!*

4 more!

*In conjunction with myself.
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