keybrdkid said:heh.
When I made a volcano pizza, I was mostly considering the fact that I hadn't made one before, and that it would theoretically probably be placed in the Unique category-given its shape. So that's where I sent it.
I suppose since it was just sopressata, tomatoes, garlic, and motz, maybe it could fit in the classic category. maybe not.
either way, given the way the votes are going it may not matter..
but getting Essegi disqualified wasn't my intention. didn't even enter my mind.
No one was or should be disqualified:
Unique - Unique doughs, proteins, shapes, etc. A pita pizza? A shrimp and grits pizza? Hella unique!
You guys both put your volcano in the right place. It's volcano shaped and is supposed to look like it is erupting with sauce. Unique. Some places even light them.
Was it a "covered" pie, as in Deep Dish? Yes, but it was a unique volcano shape, and not exactly deep dish, nor in a pan. Unique superseded so you guys got it right!
People are going to vote how they want to vote. But no one should consider anything disqualified, if it was, it wouldn't be there.

Kudos on yours, I liked it a lot.