A lot of good stuff, I really like the creativity for all the desserts, also like all the sushi but HH81’s plating was beautiful.
Sum, your tamales very authentic looking, if I didn’t know better I’d say there wasn’t any Ramen in there at all, way to go.
Muskymojo, very nice and appetizing, while still being traditional, and as with Sum, can’t tell that there is Ramen in there at all.
CJ, your Swedish Ramen Voodoo, it took me back, it just looked my mom’s Halupki, very appetizing to me. Thanks for stirring up some good old memories.
Geeme, I want to vote for you for the name alone, “Ramen Research” lol, but loved the final plating very colorful and with all those textures and flavors it had to be delicious.
A lot of hard work and though went into all the entries, I’m still undecided, I’m gonna go back thru again.
LB thanks, and if you want I’ll give you that recipe, it’s a basic sweet Asian recipe that can be turned into Orange chicken, General Tso and the like.