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contest VOTE! Second Annual Memorial Day User-land BBQ Contest

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Just for GM-
Nothing fancy but this was a quick lunch today that satisfied



FreeportBum said:
hard to tell but I cooked the egg inside the onion on the weber first time trying that and it worked well
I noticed, nice ...
I had done a bunch of research on doing the eggs on the grill for my stuffed burger, the one I was going to do, and a lot of people talk about poaching one, then freezing it, and placing it inside the burger frozen and letting it defrost on the inside of the burger during the cook ...
I'm so curious, I almost still want to try it ...
On an initial pass through the thread, I found 48x final plates. Pretty killer, ladies and gents!

In the coming days I will post a reply to this thread with a numbered list of the hyperlinks for each final dish, grouped by contestant name. Once I post that, I recommend replying to the thread with a name for each numbered dish like so:

1) drunk as a skunk ribs
2) deeznuts and green beans

Your username will be obvious, so there's no need to include it. KISS.

For the time being, don't edit any posts, but once I post the links as per above, I would suggest editing the posts they'll point to so that that post includes some of the intrinsic pictures from the prep posts that preceded the final plate.

You don't know which I've gathered yet, so wait until I post the list in the next couple of days!

Some folks had tidy single, complete posts, but many of us - myself included - sprawled.

FreeportBum said:
hard to tell but I cooked the egg inside the onion on the weber first time trying that and it worked well
Was it cooked separately in an end of onion slice - one that has a very small hole at the bottom?  or was it cracked into the onion ring as it lay on top of the burger and then cooked?  Trying to visualize.  :)
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