contest VOTE! Second Annual Memorial Day User-land BBQ Contest

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It's safe to assume that at some point towards the end of this weekend, the voting will be closed and this thread will get locked. I'll post another link in the Status Updates area tomorrow morning requesting voting, and that'll be the last one.
At some point between late Saturday night and Monday morning, I'll get with Boss on locking the thread, and then I'll move on to figuring out how to divide up the bounty and make a new thread for the prize boxes etc shortly thereafter.
I know Boss has awarded his Admin's Choice award already, and I know JayT has a surprise for someone as a prize, and also that musky has an added box for the winner, in addition to what I'll be sending. Beyond that, I need to go dumpster diving in my PM box to make sure I haven't forgotten anything etc etc ...
I know tctenten sent me some $ via PP for helping with some shipping - thanks tctenten.
Tooo close.
Why not close it at a certain amount of votes. Maybe 30?

Speaking of VOTE people! #BBQexit
Mostly just wanted to have it out of the way of the next TD, and to ship the shit out of work area already, lol ...

I think it's a bit too many links to follow for people who would be voting, with nothing to gain themselves ...

We'll see ...

I'll post another Status Update tomorrow morning ...
Pro Tip:
Anyone on the fence, pick ONE or pick MANY, it's when you try to limit it to a low amount that is hard. But picking your favorite isn't really that hard, I picked my choice, and 11. 5 was the hardest and couldn't do it.
So much great food. It was hard to not just vote for everybody's entry.
There were two pictures (from the same entry) that I haven't been able to shake. HM01's River Island Brats.
Holy crap man, for me it's cellular. It reminds me of as a kid going to visit my Oma and Opa in Nuremberg Germany. Walking around the Chriskinlmarkt at Christmas time eating a hot Bratwurst in a steaming hot bun. No Mayo. No Ketchup. No Mustard. It was because there was nothing on it that made it so good.  It was also a hand warmer in that cold winter air. These pics bring me right back to that time.
Good job everyone, and thanks for the entertainment over the last couple months! I hope you keep doing this Grant, this was pretty damm cool.
HM01's picture

HM01's picture
26 now, 30 is near, get your vote in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gimme a topic close time PM...
Also announce it here so people vote.
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