contest VOTE! Stick It! Official Thread

Best Food On A Stick?

  • ImpyChick's Scotch Egg On A Stick

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Blister's Chicken-Tater-Stick (didn't see a name)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • texas blues' Chicken Fried Punji Steak

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • moyboy's Chilli Mango Chicken On A Rosemary Branch (aka Pippy's Chick-O-Stick)

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • ImpyChick's Spiked Coffee On A Stick

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • chilehunter's CornPoppers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • moyboy's Violet Crumble Cheese Cake Balls

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • ring sting's Sky Rocket Chicken

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • frydad4's Florida Key Lime Lobster With Beercicle

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • SumOfMyBits' Spicy Conch Fritters On A Bread Stick With Red Rum Sauce (aka Conch Balls Of Fire)

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • QuadShotz's Buffalo Meat Pies On-A-Stick

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Noshownate's Smokey Sticken Dog

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • THP's Pig In A Pretzel (aka Kevorkian Pretzel)

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • texas blues' Cheezy Chix Roulade's On A Crutch

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
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Yes, those SoFlo lobsters are definitely some pesky critters when it's warm out.

[Edit: I still can't believe FD4 drank the contents of that poor lobster-ravaged Busch Light can.]
Buffalo Meat Pies ... On A Stick!

Ok, this was an adventure, but damn is it good.

First, I browned the ground buffalo with 1/2 a diced onion, 1/2 of the potato in small dice, Worcestershire, Rosemary, Marjoram, some powdered Japanese Chiles, the dark chile powder, Fresh Basil from my plant and lots of salt & pepper.


Cooked all that until well-browned, then added a tsp. of molasses (since I couldn't find a Stout, it'll make up the flavor and sweetness needed), and about 3/4 of a Bottle of Alaskan Amber...



Let that simmer down until absorbed and reduced, then turned off to cool a bit...and GAWD it smells sooo good!

Meanwhile, I sautéed down the rest of the veggies in a pat of butter until the cabbage was wilted and the Mirepoix was just about tender.


NOW, I whipped up about a 1/4C. of beef broth, and the rest of the beer with 1/2 a tsp. of cornstarch, 1 tsp. flour, and S&P.

Mixed the meat and the veggies together, turned on medium, and added the broth. Kept stirring until it bubbled then let it go a minute longer....until it was all nice and congealed....


Next..the Filling, Baking, and Da Money!
Ok, now the tricky part..requiring more beer..for ME!

I'd left the dough in fridge a bit it stuck together...and so I had to re-roll it out with a gallon pickle jar since I don't hava roling pin...(!)

But, I managed.


Egg-washed (added 1 drop of liquid smoke to the eggwash for eXtra flavor) the edges of the puff pastry, added the filling and sealed up with the sticks crimping the edges with a fork.

Gave the tops a bit of eggwash too, adn shoved 'em in the toaster oven on 325F for about 12-15 mins.

Then...we have these lovely babies....




(Ayup, I did foo-foo in the form of spelling out "THP" with Sriracha..which goes awesome with these BTW..)

ZOMG-ON-A-STEEEECK!! Sooooo bloody rich and good I'm 'bout gonna $h1t myself....
Hmmmm, what's going on here folks????


  • stickitgroceries.jpg
    100 KB · Views: 118
Who are you eyeballing? That's my first and only pic.
I'm not eyeballing anyone.......I just misread your first post in this thread so I only put up 1 pic of each I wish I'd taken heaps of prep photos like other people....cause the more pics you have the more exposure your dish gets.....
Noshownate said:
tough comp.
how many pics allowed?
Just try to keep the all in one.
One post with prep.
One post with finished.
Back to back posts okay, but not randomly all over. Cool?

imaguitargod said:
:raises hand:

That was me, I was eyeballin' you. Sorry.

I was also eyeballin' that Brooklyne Oktoberfest too...mmm...
Haven't tried it yet. Soon! :D
Holy crap! This has to be the all-time best. Lobster on a stick! Beersicle!!! Conch fritters. Meat pies! Wow I am in food porn nirvana. Awesome work everyone. I never really got time to get one in, but it seems as though I would have been outclassed this time anyway. Unbelievable, every one of you.
Thx JayT!

Everyone keeps uppin' da ante around's great.

My first time making meat pies or using puff pastry..but yummmm!
@ JayT- I think the boss extended the deadline. If you have time tonight/tomorrow, I think entries are good until 4:30pm Monday on this throwdown. THP concur?
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