contest Vote! Super "Bowl" Throwdown

Who has the best "Super" Bowl?

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I've bitten tails...never sucked heads though.

I'm not afraid of ocular delicacies, but the "baby blues" on your shrimp hypnotized me.

I couldn't eat that.
I'd just want to talk to it a while. Tell it some secrets. Maybe snuggle with it for a moment by a fireplace.
And then fall asleep in its gaze.
I've bitten tails...never sucked heads though.

I'm not afraid of ocular delicacies, but the "baby blues" on your shrimp hypnotized me.

I couldn't eat that.
I'd just want to talk to it a while. Tell it some secrets. Maybe snuggle with it for a moment by a fireplace.
And then fall asleep in its gaze.

:rofl: Too Funny
Thanks, chilehunter, but I gotta go with buddy's pineapple seafood bowls. They look pretty awesome.

all the entries look great, mesatrin thats very unique making a bacon bowl :cool:
but I'll have to go with midwestchilehead cheese dip cuz I love eating these cheese salsa dip (I make a similair version but no homemade chips) plus its one of the perfect superbowl foods to eat!
I just love these and missed the fun this time. It's always tough and everybody has a good time

SL and SK that was some great looking S/B eats. How'd you find a shlimp with a blue eye. Love'd the whole shrimp.

My problem is I'm a total sucker for Thai curry, seafood and pineapple. And I don't care Buddy that you got a few stems in there, I'm not going to pick each individual leaf off, it's like cutting crust off the bread. Just devoured a fresh pineapple over the weekend. So I got to go with Buddy.

Plus, great outcome on the game. Aaron Rogers is a local boy out here in Chico, CA
I've bitten tails...never sucked heads though.

I'm not afraid of ocular delicacies, but the "baby blues" on your shrimp hypnotized me.

I couldn't eat that.
I'd just want to talk to it a while. Tell it some secrets. Maybe snuggle with it for a moment by a fireplace.
And then fall asleep in its gaze.

You're a sick bastard! I want to party with you compadre'.
Had to vote for mestrin...that mess-in-a-bowl looks too amazing to pass up.

Buddy's almost got my vote, even though I hate looks that good!

Great entries, Chile-Heads!
What can I say.......I'm a sucker for seafood!! had me enchanted with the scallops and shrimp........till HSL charged in! I imagined myself eating both dishes....and enjoyed the hearty, rustic bowl that she made just a bit more.

Congrats and thanks to all entrants! :cheers:
While they all looked good and I would have munched any of them, Buddy got my nod. Sorry, I couldn't be in on this one. I planned on starting Saturday afternoon, but something came up and then yesterday... well between mourning my Steeler's demise and coping with a monster hangover, I just didn't feel up to it. Look for my entry in Teh Drunken Chef soon as I still have to cook it.
I was torn between the entries from Salsa Lady and Buddy ....but in the end...the pineapple bowl gets my vote.
I'd love the chance to sample both !!
Loved mesatrin's bacon bowl, loved buddy's pineapple bowl, but loved the blue-eyed shrimp that freaked out FD4 even better. Not to mention I love mussels..... how could I not vote for this one?
Had to go with buddy. It had all the right elements for me. Colours, presentation, flavours and authenticity. Can you get hold of fresh lemon grass? If not use lemon zest, it's almost the same. That dried stuff is less than useless :D

This image was the money. In focus, well lit, good colour reproduction and nothing in the background to distract.

Great job buddy :D
WOO HOO!!! I got the coveted SalsaLady vote...either because she's a...well...SALSA Lady...or she felt sorry for me. ;)

I couldn't let a salsa go unacknowledged, and it did have the most variety of chiles. And the mini-chilehead...TOO CUTE!

I could tell an embarrassing story about a 2-year old kid, some hot salsa and a tub of cold water.....but since he'd probably read this and get mad at me, I won't. ;)

Well Done to Buddy! Looks like you got this one. That really was a great creative dish and I'd eat it in a heartbeat.
LOL...thanks. He's graduated from Jalapenos to Serranos...and he still bites the tips off them as I'm cutting them on my cutting board. I was actually disappointed in the heat...or lack this salsa, although the flavor was excellent. So much so...that I gave half of it away, so I can make a new batch, much hotter.
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