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contest VOTE! Tortilla Throwdown

Who celebrated the tortilla best?

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The Hot Pepper

Who celebrated the tortilla best for Cinco de Mayo?
:doh: First and foremost I would like to say thank you to the Boss for letting me slide in to home, late. It won't happen again. Those damn tortillas gave me a run for my money! And here I thought "Maseca, water, salt....piece of cake" HA! That is laughable. PITA.

Thank you everyone for being understanding. Good luck everyone :D

Damn, you all know how to go mexicano mang! I love the Chocolate tortilla P.K.! Looks awesome. I wanted to do a tortilla desert but didn't have near enough time.

Scovie, damn man, I didn't know you had it in ya...solid plating as well. (Doesn't hold a candle to the Easter basket though...which I love hahaha) Lookin' hella good.

Sum...I'd be runnin' for the border after that stack!...I mean bathroom....I mean back for seconds... Nice job bradda.

TB- Man after my own heart. Fish taco's...watch out. Those tortilla's looks F'ing awesome....I was drooling when I saw their dark crunchy deliciousness looking back at me.

MGOLDino-wowza, I've never really been a big soup guy but after seeing that "slop" pic. I was dreamin' of MGOLD's soup bowl swimming pool.

Lunchy my boy, that CC looks sick! I'm a huge fan of the "Chimi" Garnished with an interesting sauce too.

I'm so far outside the box, I think I found another box to go out of. I wanted to bring a little american flare to some mexican flavors. I love these TD's though. I always want to try and break out of my comfort zone. This one tested me, when I didn't think it would. Crazy. I love all the entries. I'll have to take some time to go over them. I'm surprised at the small turnout though.
This is a crazy weekend for me. After seeing Scovies plating pics, I didn't see any of the rest of the TD, prep pics or talk or come back to it until tonight. So tonight, at 12:40 am local time, I'm finally getting some time to re-wine and relax and check out the voting.

This was really fun to just click on the links and let each post stand alone with no other prep pics etc. I think I got what BTBRTS is ...:lol:

PK- the little extra chocolate thingy was the kicker for me. Using tortillas in a different way set you apart.

LB, I'm so glad you mantied up and came back with an awesome entry. I'd totally chow down on any of the luscious looking creations you guys made.

It seems like tortillas did kick a few people's shins, and I'm right there with y'all. Thanks for posting such tortilla-craving-inducing posts! Well Done!
Well I had to vote for LunchBox, and it ain’t because he drooled over my Ramen TD pic. His Empanada, “Chinga-Changa” thingy stuffed with carnitas and especially the roasted poblanos, just looks and sounds so tasty, so much so I’m gonna let him slide on the Velveeta, unlike that P.K. guy using instant mashed potatoes.

They all looked good.
Scoville really wish I could try you sopapillas, and I like your toothpick then fry technique for the tacos, I’m gonna try that next time I make them.

TB, man your puffed taco looked divine, slap anything on that bad boy and it would taste good.

MG, well done very authentic, I just had to go with something different, that’s sold almost everywhere out here.

Sum, IDK what to say about that tremendous tower of awesomeness other then tuck the table cloth into your shirt before you dig in.

3/5, looks pretty damn tasty, you have three of the main man meats all wrapped up with queso, onion and penos then deep fried twice, yum!

Thanks, SL. I was just having fun playing around, which I guess is what we’re all doing.
Everyone looked great. I had to go with TB though. Fresh cabbage, cilantro, and lime and some kickass looking handmade tortillas = win.
PK - You almost got my vote with the chocolate tortilla. I would have liked to have seen a pic with both the taco and the chocolate together. Also, I would have been more intrigued by the taco if there was a greater color variety on the plate.

TB - You NAILED IT for me! Wow. Don't plan on leaving the kitchen if I ever come visit..... Me and Mrs. Blues can probably find a big chain to keep ya there, if necessary....

Always happens that I get pulled in multiple directions

TB - As a former resident of San Antonio, I have chowed down on Henry's Puffy Tacos more thime than I care to think about. Really good eats and you did Henry Proud with your Puffy Fish and Shrimp tacos. Thinking I may have to do some Shrimp and Grits tonight right now.

Sum - Dammmmmnnnnn Sum, Those aren't Quesadilla's those are QUESADELICIOSO's!!

Scovie - That all be looking gooooood!

I'm going to have to go with Sum though, I just a sucka for QUESADELICIOSO's!!

Great job everyone, this was a TD of really Good Eats!
Flavors aside for a moment...

LunchBox definitely has the best pics this time. Some are muddled with colors and textures and at first glace you can't really tell what it is, some are too busy... I like a clean plate for presentation, with the meal showcased, one finished, one guts. Those are great pics LB. Nice accent colors as well. Specs of neon purple and green. And the guts pic shows everything in there.
Every dish looked great, but the money shot of those fish & shrimp tacos was too much to resist. For me, a light and thin batter is an absolute must when it comes to fried seafood, and it was just that. So often you get a piece of fish that is hiding in a giant glob of batter. Blasphemy if you ask me...

Nicely done sir!
Had a hard time deciding between P.K, Sum, and 3/5. Ended up deciding on 3/5 because it stood out the most to me. Original idea.

EVERYONE did a great job though, and I would gladly eat every dish.
Sum, I love ya like a brother.

But my vote went to PK.
Dude, Peak (nickname) knocked it out of the park on this one!
So, the instant potatoes were a bit lame (I love me a good instant, perfect for drunken chef, but on a THROWDOWN??? C'mon!!) but those TORTILLAS were perfect!!!

And Peak used REAL LARD!!! From an ANIMAL!!!!
nice job!

And that chocolate cake was so damn outside the box and true to the mexican nature of the dish.
Not to mention that it looked perfect!!

Well played, Peak.

BTW, the other entries looked amazing. All of 'em.
I wish I could have gotten in on this one!
SUM gets my vote. He's the only one that could have given my Caribbean Lobster Tortilla Rolls a run for their money....

BZ, Sum!!!
When I get drunk, the only thing on my mind is dessert. When I eat tortillas, I end up getting drunk as well. So by proxy, Drunk=Tortillas=Desset=Peak.
Flavors aside for a moment...

LunchBox definitely has the best pics this time. Some are muddled with colors and textures and at first glace you can't really tell what it is, some are too busy... I like a clean plate for presentation, with the meal showcased, one finished, one guts. Those are great pics LB. Nice accent colors as well. Specs of neon purple and green. And the guts pic shows everything in there.

Thanks...I wish I hadn't gotten so frustrated on my first attempt...I had some other ideas rolling around that would have gone well with the meal. But...it's all in fun!

I couldn't decide betwixt Gold, and PK. So, I went with PK, due to such an unusual combo. I wanted to chow Golds's soup and dilla, but wanted to recreate PK's for my own...if that makes any sense.
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