• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Waiting on the mail...

I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas :lol: I just ordered Woody's Reserve Sauce and the Firecracker “Naga” Sauce yesterday. Plus I ordered Kato's Island Sauce, Kato’s Down South Hot Sauce and Kato's Hemi Hot Sauce on the 20th. Just checked the delivery and it looks like Kato's sauces will be here tomorrow. :onfire:
And how! i'm still waiting on my order of Cajun Heat's Liquid Napalm and Voodoo Ash. Would have had it last week, but there was a delay.

Any sauces you don't like...send em to me. I'll try em.
I could make a good quote for a signature out of some of your reply Sickmont but I won't as I'm meant to be a lady and all that ;)
rainbowberry said:
I could make a good quote for a signature out of some of your reply Sickmont but I won't as I'm meant to be a lady and all that ;)

Do it!!! I curious to see what you've come up with. Nobody here is goning hold it against you.
Don't say it AJ....Don't say it....
:doh::( I messed up, some how I've lost a day and my Kato Sauces won't be here until Thursday. I wonder why I was thinking that today was Wednesday when I posted earlier? :think: Oh well, one more day to wait...
Down South is one of my all time favorites...It tastes so clean...And what only 3 ingredients in it...amazing
The Island sauce is equally as killer...
:shocked: Oh my...I really would be lost and confused even before the beer...
Seriously though, I have always wanted to get down there and see your magnificent country.
bentalphanerd said:
see - if you lived here it'd be wednesday already....but then youd have to wait another week for the post :D

Does that mean when you are reading posts, where it says Today 9:19 on my screen, it says Tomorrow 4:19 there? :lol:
bentalphanerd said:
see - if you lived here it'd be wednesday already....but then youd have to wait another week for the post :D

Damn, I wanted to do something tomorrow, but since it's already tomorrow there, I guess I can't, because really it's today, so I am too late. When was yesterday?

JayT said:
Does that mean when you are reading posts, where it says Today 9:19 on my screen, it says Tomorrow 4:19 there? :lol:

you posted that at 11:20 am 25/6

thehotpepper.com said:
Damn, I wanted to do something tomorrow, but since it's already tomorrow there, I guess I can't, because really it's today, so I am too late. When was yesterday?


never put off until tomorrow what you can feign Alzheimer's for.

1 hour to beer
Nope 9:20 pm 24/6. So was that yesterday or today? I am so confused. I love beer. That reminds me, be right back. BEER!!!

Oh and I love Kato's sauces. I especially like Hemi and BOHICA which is terrific on ham. Plus they are really nice people.