• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Walchit's Glog 2017

Hey guys, I figured I would go ahead and make a glog. Here is my first ripe super hot. Its off of a ghost pepper plant I bought at my local nursery. It looked more red on the plant, I may bhave picked it a tad early.

Well thanks for checking out my glog, I will update if anyone is interested. I also have a reaper plant that has quite a few pods, and I have been pulling Caribbean red habs, cayennes, and Thais about every other day.
My plants are doing great, and loving this mild, August weather. I do have a sadly neglected glog, but on a different forum.
Walchit said:
I remember getting little camera out of vending machines when I was a kid, I would take a bunch of pictures and then they would never even get taken in to be developed. Smart phones definitely made it easier for the average person to be a photographer. I will try to get some better pics if the sun comes out today. How are your plants doing this year? Do you have a glog Midwest?
Nice, you can't beat this weather we have been having. Nice to be able to open the windows and turn the attic fan on at night!
Hey, Walchit!  Saw your reaper/fireball video. Ya got balls!
Disgusting :fireball:  :onfire:  :hell:   :rofl:
Gnarly looking Reapers you got going on there!
The pics will sharpen as you go, and good advise about taking 3 pics, Somehow I still find myself doing that...go figure :shh:
You know the rule, you have to at least taste what you grow ;)
Catfish Cooley, I guess he no longer has a liver. That's one insane dude trading his future for silly youtube vids. I saw the 3 reaper video, devils testicles...LOL
Keep up the good work!
I don't trust my fridge, I would probably freak out when food got on my seeds. How important is it to refrigerate them? I keep my house around 70 degrees year-round.