• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Walchit's Glog 2018

Well started germination yesterday, got a little carried away.

I'm too lazy to type out my list for you guys so here are some pics.

Sprouting these from Justin/whitehotpeppers

And these from the auction of labeled pods from Garth/texashotpeppers

Then there are these from trades and seed trains

I may have officially lost my mind! Thanks for stopping by.
Walchit said:
What overheats the germination? My mats seem like they have it pretty warm in there.
I had to put a piece of corrugated cardboard on my heat mat
to keep the seed trays from overheating.  This year I put the
set-up in my grow shelf and had the T5 lights on and it just
got a bit too warm.  Next time I won't turn on the lights until
I see some cotys up.
PaulG said:
Try tossing a 1/3 to 1/2 cup of bone meal into the ground or
containers a month or so before plant-out and your BER
problems should go away.  At least it works for me.
Is that for tomato plants or peppers or both? I had BER on my tomatoes last year.

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Also have some sprouts in six of my little dishes.

White caterpillar - Texas Hot Peppers

Orange Longtail Scorpion - Texas Hot Peppers

Peach Bonnet Scorpion X (yellow) - Texas Hot Peppers

Yellow Brain Strain - Pepper Guru, throwdown

El Scorpanero F2 iso - D3monic

Sherwood's Carbonero Cream - Peter S, seed train


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I'd like to add my 2 cents to the BER issues. I have a high soil Ph, so Calcium uptake is not what it should be. I would lose over 50% of my tomato crop to BER; peppers are not (at my place) as sensitive to BER. I think in part it's the vigorous growth habit the toms have in comparison.  I've had really good success with Calmag applied via a foilar application. It did not help when I just watered with it in the solution, due to the Ph lockout. 1 tsp per gallon in a watering can twice a week once the flowering starts work for me here. But that's in my garden ;)
PtMD989 said:
Is that for tomato plants or peppers or both? I had BER on my tomatoes last year.

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They are both part of the same family so I basically 
treat them the same, for better or worse.
My peppers did better than tomatoes with the exception of one tomato plant that seemed to do pretty well. Didn't really have ber on any peppers, only certain tomato plants were real bad about it. I just figured if I plant 50-100 tomato plants I should end up with enough lol
It seems like the timer is doing the trick for me, 30 mins on 60 minutes off. If I had a dimmer laying around I would try it though for sure
Hey kiddo, looks like you're off to a great start! I'm chomping at the bit to get started, but being in zone 3 is a huge PITA when it comes to having space for "adolescents". Dirt Day for me is end of May, so this year I'm watching you southeners go first...
I do know a bit about the BER on the maters. I quit growing Romas because of it, now all I grow is Amish Paste (a heat lover), and I do some Cal-Mag misting once a week to insure a healthy complexion. But you listen to Scott (Devv) too...He's like one o' them idiot savaunts with growing stuff!
Heck, just about all of these guys are.... :shocked:
Walchit said:
My peppers did pretty good last year in my opinion, I thought I was gonna have allot more tomatoes though, my main problem was having enough ready at the same time to make salsa. I would have to peel and freeze until I had enough
I heard putting paper bag(s) over your tomato plants to shorten hours of daylight can increase the speed of them ripening. I never tried it though. Salsa is why I started growing.. much better than store bought.
We used to be done 5, now they moved us up to zone 6b or something. I'm probably good on putting paper bags on my tomatoes, I'm trying to just grow enough that it shouldn't matter/mater lol
Just got my table built and the ceiling is ready for the lights to get hung. Waiting on rope ratchets from Amazon, should be here tomorrow. Paid 10 bucks for 8 of them, the local nursery wanted 21.95 a piece. So that saved me 160 bucks.
What kind of maters are you growing? I’ve done the paper bag ripening trick. I had some late to the party peppers and tomatoes last year that weren’t going to ripen on the vine, so I picked them and put them into a paper bag with a banana. The ones that were just starting to ripen when I picked them did ripen.

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If they are starting to ripen they will ripen just on a table, allot of the time I pick stuff when it starts to get color and bring it inside so nothing gets them.

I just put these eye hooks and cables on my t8, I should have just grabbed two t5's instead. Those little cables were a pain to get everything the same length on both of them, I guess I can adjust with the eye hooks if I need to. Went to Lowes today and they raised the price on the t5s from 101 to 119. I was just there like three days ago!


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I have been thinking about grabbing these square 45 watt LED fixtures to fill my other spot on the table, was thinking about putting three of them up instead of another t5 or t8