• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Walchit's Glog 2018

Well started germination yesterday, got a little carried away.

I'm too lazy to type out my list for you guys so here are some pics.

Sprouting these from Justin/whitehotpeppers

And these from the auction of labeled pods from Garth/texashotpeppers

Then there are these from trades and seed trains

I may have officially lost my mind! Thanks for stopping by.
+1 on Scott's observation that high pH locks out Calcium. Romas are more prone to BER in my experience too. Since your peppers didn't have a problem but your tomatoes did, I'd say your soil Calcium was adequate, but you maybe didn't water them enough. Peppers need less water than tomatoes, and plants need water to take up the Ca. Another cause of BER is too much Nitrogen too quick. Nitrogen fuels growth in plants, and if they grow faster than their ability to take up Ca then that would be another cause.
I'd never heard of putting a paper bag over tomato plants to hasten ripening, but it makes sense. I'm not sure if blocking sunlight works or not, but if you closed the bag it would hold in the ethylene gas that the ripening fruit produces, speeding up the process. That's what the market growers in California do... they pick the tomatoes green and pack them into boxcars filled with ethylene gas. By the time they get to market the tomatoes are red, though they lack the flavor of a vine-ripened fruit.
I was watering pretty much every day in the heat of the summer, I think they may have had some kind of disease or something. Maybe they didn't like my soil it was just shit I did up where my grandpa feeds his cows and some wood chips that had been in a pile for like four years. I didn't check my ph or anything so it could have definitely been a pH issue. I just put lime and gypsum, plus the Fox farm bags of dry nutes, and some Epsom salt in there.
I always forget to take before pictures of my projects, but here's a couple almost done shots lol.


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Walchit said:
I will probably block those windows off so the cops don't kick my door down and kill my dog over some hot peppers.
Dont worry, they will shoot everyone on sight and then ask questions later, then they will check your plants. Must be totally safe to grow chilis in your country with some growing lights.
Mixed this stuff up and put it in the trays, damn peat wouldn't soak up any water to I dumped it back out and added more perlite and a lot more wiggle magic. Added water before I filled the trays the second time, turned out looking pretty good. Added pelletized lime but I mixed it with water first to dissolve it. My pH pen was saying my tap water was 9.4 but I don't have any calibration solution so who knows.


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Well done on the setup, and congrats on the new arrivals!
#1 on what Masher said about the test solution. My water is 8.2-8.3 and this year I'm using Ph down (thanks Dan) to get it in the mid 6's to use on the plants, that's when I don't have any rain water. Which is slim pickin's here lately, I'm down to about 5 gallons. It reads 6.4
Wishing you continued success Andy!
Thanks Scott, I was just over at your Glog, it makes me anxious seeing your plants. Last year I started with plants from the nursery that were about the size of your plants. Hopefully I can get a good portion of these plants to dirt day!
Hey Andy, grow area looks really nice, good job with it.

Water at this house came in around 8 as well so I've got ph down on the way from my friend A. Mazon. You might want to get that thing calibrated, will pay off big time if you need to adjust your water