• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
Liking the choc habs, Jamie sent me some, totally different flavor than the orange guys at the store...which is the only hot around here we can buy.
Good score on the Jals, I'll be picking a bunch tomorrow, may not be as large as the tropical guys you pick but will have to do.
Mites: damn bastuuurrrdds are back again on my Moruga so it seems . Gonna give 'em a dose of the Rosemary Death...or what ever you named it! :drunk:
stc3248 said:
Yeah...pretty dry here. I am still kicking myself for not growing any Jals... :mope: thanks for bumming me out again Ramon!!! Haha...I almost picked up a couple Jal plants today just because it ain't the same without them. Being able to pick up a grocery bag full for a couple bucks is great...but it isn't the same is it??? Like the looks of your Choco Habs! I finally have some flowers opening on my two choco varieties. They were really slow to pop, but coming into their own! Don't let the "hab" name fool ya...they'll be HOT! If you've never grown them before, wait until you KNOW they're ripe...then wait two more days! :rofl
Not growing Jals is a tuff call mon, but I see them at the farmers market both red and green even corked for $1.50/lb, hard to imagine anyone can make money from that. At that low price it’s a hard call when you have limited space and finances. But since mama loves them they’re in da yard, hehe. Congrats on the choco flowers opening ^_^ My choco scorp is filling in with some mas pods and the shapes are starting to look wicked, I’ll let them get a little bigger and I’ll have to feature some shots as the new pods are more true to shape. Have a great day tomorrow and thanks for the tips :)
Devv said:
Liking the choc habs, Jamie sent me some, totally different flavor than the orange guys at the store...which is the only hot around here we can buy.

Good score on the Jals, I'll be picking a bunch tomorrow, may not be as large as the tropical guys you pick but will have to do.

Mites: damn bastuuurrrdds are back again on my Moruga so it seems . Gonna give 'em a dose of the Rosemary Death...or what ever you named it! :drunk:
Yea the choco habs are good and hot mon, I’d say they’re on par with the JA Habs for heat but a different taste all together. Been too long since I ate an orange one but your right from what I remember.

Any Jals you pick are great in my book, both big and small. These don’t get super big but they have a very nice heat level, turn red if you want and cork very nicely. I chopped up some red ones the other day, they're nice with the right foodies ...

I when ahead and took advantage of a break in the rain and resprayed death by rosemary. I like the stuff, wana use up this batch over the week so I can make the next one stronger (2 oz of oil).

Have a great harvest mañana!!! And don’t forget to post or tell me how you find the rosemary oil. BTW the Rasta Hab is looking good, don’t think the mites had a chance to crawl back up after the storm before I sprayed her.
Choc habs look scrumptious! Love them brown pods! I didn't grow any jalapenos except purple jalapenos last season. Made sure to grow some regular jalas this year! Love the taste of a red ripe one! I also found my store bought seeds from 09'. The hottest jalas i ever ate came from that pack! Look foward to them every time i see yours!
Sorry to hear about your white bhut. Hoefully you now will have multiple white bhuts! They did have a good shape too! Looks like a keeper!
Well... if they are white and tasty! :)
Loving the look of that Chocolate Hab.  My Choc Habs are ripening red!  At least I still have the Jamaican Hot Chocolate, as long as it ripens the correct color.
Those Jals look great, too!  I wasn't going to grow any this year, but ended up with free seeds so went with it.  So glad I did.
Hoping it dries up soon for ya!  Mid 80's and rain...must feel like a sauna outside!
GA Growhead said:
Choc habs look scrumptious! Love them brown pods! I didn't grow any jalapenos except purple jalapenos last season. Made sure to grow some regular jalas this year! Love the taste of a red ripe one! I also found my store bought seeds from 09'. The hottest jalas i ever ate came from that pack! Look foward to them every time i see yours!
Sorry to hear about your white bhut. Hoefully you now will have multiple white bhuts! They did have a good shape too! Looks like a keeper!
Well... if they are white and tasty! :)
Thanks Jason, while I haven’t tried the pods from this choco hab I have had others and I’m stoked to soon have some. I love eating Jals but the prices on them have dropped so much locally it almost doesn’t make sense to grow and now I can buy the reds too, which your right are the tastiest!!! Thanks for da kindness on the white Bhut, I’m now thinking she’ll come back. Maybe not as smexy as before but as long as she produces I’ll be fine, plus I’m hoping one of the clones stick. I appreciate you stopping by, I know your busy … have a great day!
DocNrock said:
Loving the look of that Chocolate Hab. My Choc Habs are ripening red! At least I still have the Jamaican Hot Chocolate, as long as it ripens the correct color.

Those Jals look great, too! I wasn't going to grow any this year, but ended up with free seeds so went with it. So glad I did.

Hoping it dries up soon for ya! Mid 80's and rain...must feel like a sauna outside!
Brent, sorry to read about the choco Habs going red, hope you do get the JA Hot’s to brown up, I think they should :) Mon with so many plants you got going I didn’t recall you growing Jals too, great call and hope you get loads of great pods from her. That said, you probably have a bunch of Jals plants going … even better \o/

Wow you hit the nail on the head it’s super sauna outside, sun was out some this morning but as I type it’s started pouring again -_- … as always thanks for stopping in Doc, hope you have a safe and great trip on Monday ^_^

As always, thanks everyone for looking, reading, commenting and providing my advice. Speaking of advice, if anyone knows what this egg is from please let me know http://thehotpepper.com/topic/39715-bug-egg-id/
meatfreak said:
Nothing wrong with those Jal's, Ramon. I'm still far away from picking those monsters :lol:
Thanks Stefan they are tasty for sure!
Jamison said:
Those Jals scream poppers my friend!   CHoco habs like Shane said are really hot man!  You won't be disappointed in those beauties!  Friggin mites need to let you be mon,  just seems so unfair!  Keep up da great work brudda!
Thanks Jamison, I love poppers but witth these I dehydrated them and made some infused salt to season the dish below. I didn't get more than a finger high baggie but enough to make a large salt shaker full. As you know they're not as hot as powdered JA Habs or other much hotter peppers but Jalapeño powder is super tasty IMHO.

Small JA Hab harvest


Shrimp foodie: minced garlic & onions in virgin olive oil then topped with Jalapeño infused salt.



Stefan_W said:
The shrimp dish looks amazing!
Thank you, it was very tasty and I think the Jal powder made it even mas tasty. Thanks for the thumbs up brethren ^_^
Stefan_W said:
That is a huge hab, my friend! I don't personally care for habs all that much, but I agree a pod that size just screams out to be turned into a popper.
Sad to read you don’t like habs, I wonder if you’d feel the same about Jamaican ones. I love the ones we grow because they have the best taste from a hab and same from a scotch bonnet cept da look. Very juicy, citrus & tropical flavor with a lot more heat than normal habs IMHO but that’s just me. But hey different strokes for different folks so I understand, have a great week Stefan and thanks for stopping in mon ^_^
JJJessee said:
That is one tasty looking plate of shrimp, Ramon. Your cookin' is down home. Love it!
Thank you Carl, it’s not hard to make and what I like most is cook time is super fast. Have a great week brethren ^_^

WalkGood picked a peck bag of JA Hab peppers.
A peck bag of JA Hab peppers WalkGood picked.
If WalkGood picked a peck bag of JA Hab peppers,
Where's the peck bag of JA Hab peppers that WalkGood picked?
They’re in da dehydrator mon, hehehe

Not fresh but frozen, althogh I did throw in a tray of fresh ones on top. It will be interesting to see the different dry times in fresh VS frozen.


While the Jamaican Habs were defrosting, I took the White Bhut’s that I had to remove the other day and made a garbanzo dip, basic ingredients are sautéed onion’s, garlic, garbanzo beans, peppers and cilantro.


Back to the peppers … I removed da stems, chopped in half and loaded up the trays. I like this nesco because it can expand up to 12 trays but I was only able to fill 4 and the fan in it rocks (powerfull).

Here it is all assembled and running on a workbench in the garage, I’ll check on it later today.

Beautiful JA's there my friend, you need to sell those pics to a food catalog co.
I did the same with my Jal's dried them that is, too busy to do anything other than put them up.
That shrimp dish is a must make for sure!
And then there's the garbanzo dip! Dang, just where do you find the time? I bought the beans the last time you posted that....still in the pantry...
Nice bag of frozen heat you have there, I cut the Jal's into quarters and they dried twice as fast as when I just halved them.
Gotta say you got it going on there!
Ramon, mis hermano, that shrimp is a perfect example of the KISS principle of cooking and as a Chef friend and teacher used to say, "Simplicity in itself is Elegance."
Not to mention Yummy!! ;)
Hi Ramon,
   Some great looking foodies there! I love me some of those Camarones on pasta... shrimp Fra Diavolo is one of my favorite dishes. I also love Humus. If you just substituted lemon juice for the onion in your dip you'd have humus. For the folks that don't like biting into a piece of garlic in their food (perverts, Lol ;) ) grind it up in a mortar and pestle with a pinch of salt. It just liquifies when you do that and you can stir it in with none the wiser. When my Habanero production catches up to yours, maybe we can do a pod swap... Ja Habs for the Maya Reds so we can sample each other's red Habs. What do you think?
JoynersHotPeppers said:
So purty and red!
Thanks Chris, I’m not that thrilled with these pics but you get what you put into them. Compared to others I’ve shot when I take mas time, you know da drill but it’s always super to hear back from a great photog like you ^_^
Devv said:
Beautiful JA's there my friend, you need to sell those pics to a food catalog co.

I did the same with my Jal's dried them that is, too busy to do anything other than put them up.

That shrimp dish is a must make for sure!

And then there's the garbanzo dip! Dang, just where do you find the time? I bought the beans the last time you posted that....still in the pantry...

Nice bag of frozen heat you have there, I cut the Jal's into quarters and they dried twice as fast as when I just halved them.

Gotta say you got it going on there!
Wish I could sell pics Scott, I could sure use the mula, hehe. Yea dried Jals are awesome, I started eating the chips before I even ground them up and made infused salt, came out very nice on the shrimp. I’ve got the garbanzo ting down, I make a batch weekly, the longest part is the cook time, the rest is all machine work and my better half loves dips so that makes it ok in my book. What dehydrator are you using for the Jals? As always thanks for your positive vibes mon ^_^
romy6 said:
Man I smell the peppers drying from here. :party:

What a wonderful aroma Ray. :lol:

And stop posting food pics I am fat enough already :shame:
You love the smell too, hahaha … mama makes me do it outside. This dish isn’t all that fattening AFAIK you should give it a go, heck all dem stakes, ribs and goodies you post get my juices flowing and I run off the net to eat, now who’s calling the kettle black, lolz. Brethren thank you as always for da warm wishes, I can’t produce as much as you but as long as mama and the kids are happy, I am too! Have a wonderful week Jamie ^_^
RocketMan said:
Ramon, mis hermano, that shrimp is a perfect example of the KISS principle of cooking and as a Chef friend and teacher used to say, "Simplicity in itself is Elegance."

Not to mention Yummy!! ;)
Bill you are so right, I love da simple meals that don’t take long ... thanks for da compliments mon, can’t wait to see ya in your new spread growing peppers, making sauce and loving life \o/
stickman said:
Hi Ramon,
Some great looking foodies there! I love me some of those Camarones on pasta... shrimp Fra Diavolo is one of my favorite dishes. I also love Humus. If you just substituted lemon juice for the onion in your dip you'd have humus. For the folks that don't like biting into a piece of garlic in their food (perverts, Lol ;) ) grind it up in a mortar and pestle with a pinch of salt. It just liquifies when you do that and you can stir it in with none the wiser. When my Habanero production catches up to yours, maybe we can do a pod swap... Ja Habs for the Maya Reds so we can sample each other's red Habs. What do you think?
Rick my mon, yea Camarones are awesome … only thing better in my book is spiny lobster but I’ve not dove for them in long while, hopefully sooner or later. I’ve not made humus even though some of our friends call my dip that, I make it with a Spanish flair and very picante. While left over garbanzo’s make a great dip, most of the time I’ll cook some up with my secret sauté and let the food processor do the rest, hehe. Trade yea, no problem mon how ever you wish, maybe that will get you to grow some of my JA Habs next season ^_^

As always thanks everyone for stopping in, egging me on and providing me the best feedback on da net. Have a great week all \o/
WalkGood said:
Thanks Stefan they are tasty for sure!
Thanks Jamison, I love poppers but witth these I dehydrated them and made some infused salt to season the dish below. I didn't get more than a finger high baggie but enough to make a large salt shaker full. As you know they're not as hot as powdered JA Habs or other much hotter peppers but Jalapeño powder is super tasty IMHO.

Small JA Hab harvest

Shrimp foodie: minced garlic & onions in virgin olive oil then topped with Jalapeño infused salt.

i'm glad I am watching this as I EAT :-) ... and I am eating pasta, too 
how do you make the infused salt? how does it look like (finished) and how hot is it 
the dehydrator is a seriously slick piece of equipment ... nothing to be had here ...
If I dehydrate tomatoes, I load them on wire shelves and have them sit in the rear of car (station wagon) - with the car parked in the sun ... temp. is regulated by moving a black shade-cloth and opening/closing windows ... well, as they say here ... "bien de campo" ;o) ... works like a charm, tho and allows me big quant's of fruit ...
car gets sometimes a little smelly ...  :rolleyes:  :confused:
thx for sharing
pd: greenhouse is up!
Al-from-Chile said:
i'm glad I am watching this as I EAT :-) ... and pasta, too
That’s the best way so you don’t have to run off and eat like I do, lolz.
Al-from-Chile said:
how do you make the infused salt? how does it look like (finished) and how hot is it

thx for sharing
I’m not sure how others do it but here’s how I do it:
  • Dehydrate the pepper of choice, you know that the thick walled ones take longer and probably need to be cut into thinner slices. With a food dehydrator I’ve only ever cut in half. That said with the Jals I took the time to remove all the seed and only use the pepper and membrane.
  • Once the peppers are like chips (12+ hours depending on temp) I grind them in a coffee grinder that I have dedicated to peppers, they’re only around $15.00.
  • Now you have the pepper powder which I store in a ziplock baggie within a jar to keep dry.
  • For the salt, I use the thick (coarse) sea salt, mix the proportion you like. For example 75 to 80% Jal powder and 20 to 25% salt, best to your taste and grind again in grinder. Looks like white and green mixed together, sorry I didn’t take pictures but I’ll try to next time. Since I didn’t have that many Jals, I only got like a finger or two in a ziplock and used the whole batch for salt. I did leave a spoon full of the Jal powder for my sandwich today ^_^
  • Any additional questions feel free to ask
As always, thanks for popping in and commenting ^_^ Have a great day!
Edit: BTW you can sun dry or oven dry too. Slice them really thin so they dry quicker and if you use oven, heat to lowest temp, when hot turn it off and put the chilies in till it's not hot, pull chilies and reheat to lowest temp, turn it off and put them back. The process takes a lot longer in the oven and they'll easily burn as oven temp's don't go that low.
Finally getting caught up around here! Those Choc habs are going to be delicious. Those are one of my favorite peppers, fresh and powdered!!! (Nice Jal's btw too!!)
So I was reading about these gallinippers that are appearing with all of the rain you guys have been having. I couldn't tell if they are contained within the central portion of the state or if they are also down south your way. You said it man, walk 50 paces and sweat soaked city! I remember just walking from the office to the car felt like a sauna half the year. I always say, from Halloween to Easter, Florida weather can't be beat!