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Want to make a Fatali sauce

I have about 8 fatali's left and want to make a sauce with them. Open to suggestions.

Things I have on hand:
Oranges (valencia)
Pears (in light syrup)
Apples (1 Granny Smith, 2 Red?)
Other assorted peppers.
4 different Mustards
2 large handfuls of Grape tomatoes
various normal kitchen provisions

My wife is out of town until monday and it is very difficult to get my son loaded and unloaded, so would prefer to use what I have here to make the sauce. I just made a Mustard based Hab sauce that is incredible, so I would prefer not to use any of the mustards.

Thanks in advance.
Hello top4874!

couple quick questions to help with suggestions-

hot much sauce do you want to make, a cup or two...a gallon or 2...
what type of processing can you do? pressure canner? hot water bath? a fresh sauce that will be eaten within 2 weeks?
do you have a blender, food processor or stick blender(immersion blender) to use
How HOT do you like it
WHAT other peppers do you have on hand?
do you like a vinegar taste in the sauce or a fruity-sweet taste in the sauce

There are lots of recipes here on THP and also here-

Maybe one will "trip the trigger" of what your taste buds will like.

Welcome and have fun. Take pics and post if you can. We LUV pics!
hot much sauce do you want to make, a cup or two...a gallon or 2...
what type of processing can you do? pressure canner? hot water bath? a fresh sauce that will be eaten within 2 weeks?
do you have a blender, food processor or stick blender(immersion blender) to use
How HOT do you like it
WHAT other peppers do you have on hand?
do you like a vinegar taste in the sauce or a fruity-sweet taste in the sauce

I was hoping to make about a cup or 2. Enough to fill up a small bottle or 2.

Would prefer something that will stay good in the fridge since I don't have the equipment to jar things properly.

I have a blender and a stick blender.

I want it to be hot but not overpowering.

I have a couple of Poblano's, 4 types of Jalapeno's, Kung Pao, Cayanne, Serrano, and a few Bhut jolokia.

I like both actually. The mustard bases Hab sauce I made last week was vinegar bases so I would prefer this one to be more on the fruity side.

I checked the link you posted (great site BTW, thanks!) nothing really jumped out. I usually just use a recipe as a guide and will add things to suit my own taste.

Thank you again for the link. It is now one of my favs.
Fataliis, apples, vinegar, brown sugar, white sugar, allspice, lemon juice, salt.
fataliis, cayenne for color, apples, pears, 1/4 of an onion, 1/2c shredded carrot, 1/2c vinegar, 1/4 c sugar (add more to taste), pinch salt, ginger.

If you use all 8 fataliis, it will be HOT! Even 2 fatalis in 2-3 cups of sauce will be spicy enough for most regular chileheads. GL-

I like both suggested recipes but I think SL's (+1) recipe will have a really great taste, good heat and the consistencey I like (about medimum thick).

Boss that sounds like a perfect sauce for Thanksgiving to go with some turkey or ham. I may just have to make me up a batch.
