Bump due to renewed interest.
Been a few years since I posted this.
Wish the Camera/computer plans were still up.
I printed them and have them somewhere,can't find them...
The computer one was cool,or sounds cool.
Here are scans to compaire your CD spectrometer to.
Pretty cool stuff for a frame of reference.
Makers names etc.
Click on LED,Halide etc. to see what different ones put out or?
Then click on any specific pic for a graph of what the test showed.
More reason for my liking cheap Chinese LEDs. LOL
I want ALL the plant usable Nm plants use as MY light source,for what I NEED/Want them to do for MY grow.
I find this stuff more accurate to what I THINK I get from my light sources,using a CD compairison...Very cool data.
Assuming it's right.
I do see the LED one as looking a LOT like my LEDS.
Very cool info...taken,of coarse with a grain of salt.
Gotta be better than cherry picked info by vendors or?
Mikey likes it. LOL
See graphs,different LEDS put out a LOT of wave lengths besides what they are rated at/mostly put out.
For RED check out the EXOTIC graph.
Way cool in 660nm and lower reds,75% 660.BUT high in the right reds plants need too.
Now if there is a similar Blue,they might be all you need for both spectrums.
Can't find as pure a blue as the Exotic red yet.
Looking for a companies LED.The hevy blues are just aquarium stuff,not what a companies LED is.