wanted Wanted: SUPER HOT concentrate or paste???

My brother owns a sports bar on the pier here in So Cal and I talked him into doing a Hot wing challenge during football season at half time each week. However I don't have enough super hot peppers to supply him with enough concentrate for the contest. Does anyone know a good location or place online to get some seriously HOT pepper concentrate from? I will be mixing the sauce and will be using a variety of peppers and sauce, but need a good source for Bhut, fatalli, or scorpion paste or concentrate to add to the mix.
yea look at "the chili' factorys" "devils delirium" its a naga paste. neil did a review on it not to long ago.
Silver_Surfer said:
How much do you think you need? 5 gallons, 1 gal, quart, pint?

A little Naga concentrate goes a long way. :mouthonfire:

Well i'm not sure. I will run the contest once a week all the way through the superbowl and he wants to keep them on the menu, but only make a batch of the sauce "as needed". He already has wings on the menu so it's a matter or getting them sauced and in the oven to finish them off. I figured I would probably start with a quart and mix a few gallons from the concentrate and see how long that last. The sauce I make now mainly uses habs and a few others for flavor.
N_FF said:
yea look at "the chili' factorys" "devils delirium" its a naga paste. neil did a review on it not to long ago.

That would probably work, but it's in AU and i'm in US. Plus 3.5 oz at a time I would have to order at least 20 or so. Do you happen to know of a place in the states that sales something like that?
Here's an old thread with some links that might help

haha that's funny I actually did a google search and found that post along with another that had a few places, but they where either in AU or EU and not the US and they had sauces for sale not really just plan old concentrates. One post had something called lethal injestion, but $30.00 for less than 2 oz is a bit on the pricey side. Wow does anyone have a quart of concentrate they are willing to part with??? Seems like there is a void that needs to be filled for guys that want to make there own sauce from a concentrate.
Where to buy hot pepper concentrate or mash??

Does anyone know where to get some concentrate, paste, or mash from? I would like to make my own sauce, but I'm having trouble finding bhut, nagga, or scorpion concentrates to make a sauce from.

Any help? Heck if you have a quart that your willing to let go of name your price!
Well I don't can or make concentrate but what if I send you some dehydrated pods? You could rehydrate them and then do with them what you want. I know it isn't exactly the same, but it may get the job done. When do you plan on starting this wing contest?
Josh said:
Well I don't can or make concentrate but what if I send you some dehydrated pods? You could rehydrate them and then do with them what you want. I know it isn't exactly the same, but it may get the job done. When do you plan on starting this wing contest?

Name your price and pod types you have available. The contest will run the opening day of the NFL season and will continue each week until the playoffs where I will have each weeks winner come back until we only have 2 where they will meet during the Superbowl game. Should be a lot of fun. I'm just surprised to not be able to find a single vendor in the us selling concentrates.
LGHT said:
Name your price and pod types you have available. The contest will run the opening day of the NFL season and will continue each week until the playoffs where I will have each weeks winner come back until we only have 2 where they will meet during the Superbowl game. Should be a lot of fun. I'm just surprised to not be able to find a single vendor in the us selling concentrates.

I am not a big football fan. Does opening day include the preseason? I believe that starts soon. I have my first bhut starting to turn so it will be a bit for pods. My TS isn't doing to swell so not a ton of pods and my Fatalii is doing ok. I should have a decent amount of 7 Pods though. No charge for the pods but I guess it will depend on how much you need and how much it costs to ship. Since they will be dehydrated it shouldn't be much. Any chance you can give me some type of estimate on the number of pods? I know that is probably going to be hard to do. I am not sure I will have enough to supply you for the whole contest but I figure every bit helps.