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Wasp nest right next to my pots

I'm cool and the gang n' all with bugs but when it comes to black widow's, scorpion's, brown recluse's, malicious wasps, or africanized bees, I ain't feelin' all Elvis Costello with peace, love, and understanding. Once in the big dry ditch in a construction yard I was working in on a skytrack moving material, a swarm of africanized bees set up shop in a big parts box. When the guys opened it up to get the parts, out they came and very pissed off. Nobody got stung but a couple of the guys had bees chasing them for almost a 100 yards. A professional exterminator came and got rid of them. Don't mess around with those critters.
Well I knocked the sucker down. Used a paint roller extension to do it, then ran like mad back into the house. I was fortunate enough to not get stung. So hopefully mama wasp will move on to somewhere else.
I'm allergic to wasp stings, so have to be careful. That said, I've been harassed by wasps without doing anything "threatening" - not been near their nest, etc. So some seem to be aggressive, as Indiana Jesse is suggesting. You take your chances in trying to co-exist.

That said, they seem to rebuild close to where their old nest was if you just knock it down. It's better (if your goal is to keep them further away) to not only knock it down, but also spray with a good wasp insecticide in the area where you don't want them. They generally won't rebuild in areas hit with the spray.
It must be something in the air this year. This week I found a wasp nest on one corner of my plot. The same day I found several thousand honeybees swarming the tree that is dead center in my pepper garden, they have the largest hive that I have ever personally seen. I have decided to keep them both despite the protests of my wife and daughter.
Just a little fun fact,

When you knock down a paper wasp nest containing only the queen(s) (This time of year), the queen(s) or "foundresses" will search for a day or so for the nest and then either build again in the same or close location, a further location, join a sister's nest as a subordinate foundress(es), usurp a sister's colony and become queen (the sister(s) becomes a subordinate(s)), usurp an unrelated queen's nest driving her away or killing her, or getting killed herself. Spring queens of Polistes (Paper wasps) will start nests either independently or in groups of sisters(generally) with one becoming the dominant egglayer. Once workers emerge, subordinate sisters are often driven from the colony. Anyway I could go on, but I will spare you all (and I have to get back to work!). Sorry about the TMI, looks like there are a lot of haters out there, so you probably don't care anyway...
I love wasp they are pretty cool. I grew up with a nature loving mom and we had a HUGE nest just above our front door entrance for years. It was pretty cool as we could come and go and they wouldn't bother us at all. However I would invite friends over and make them stand at the door and yell look up and watch them run like hell!!
Just a little fun fact,

When you knock down a paper wasp nest containing only the queen(s) (This time of year), the queen(s) or "foundresses" will search for a day or so for the nest and then either build again in the same or close location, a further location, join a sister's nest as a subordinate foundress(es), usurp a sister's colony and become queen (the sister(s) becomes a subordinate(s)), usurp an unrelated queen's nest driving her away or killing her, or getting killed herself. Spring queens of Polistes (Paper wasps) will start nests either independently or in groups of sisters(generally) with one becoming the dominant egglayer. Once workers emerge, subordinate sisters are often driven from the colony. Anyway I could go on, but I will spare you all (and I have to get back to work!). Sorry about the TMI, looks like there are a lot of haters out there, so you probably don't care anyway...

So what you're saying is those paper wasp's are more like gangbanging flying bitches intent on taking over other gangs and turf and enslaving their gang members.
So what you're saying is those paper wasp's are more like gangbanging flying bitches intent on taking over other gangs and turf and enslaving their gang members.

Love this summary! Haha, I had a nest last year in relative proximity to a batch of my chocolate habs. I tried to maintain an understanding for a while until they stung the pup. It was napalm time at that point, I won't bothering trying to tolerate them again.
I kill them. If they are on my house they die. If they are near a walkway, BOOM. Death. I used to let them be but they kept stinging me when I walked by. Get some mantis and ladybugs. Kill the wasps.
I've never found them to be aggressive around here...I don't hesitate to slap them if they're being a nuisance and they seem to get the message. Maybe you just gotta let em know who's boss?