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Watching others try to grow peppers...

Definitely not legal, but more tolerated and moreso in some provinces. Cops are human and can be cool or a@sholes. Personally I know lots of people including myself with light stands in their front window growing veggies and/or houseplants, its just normal in the Canadian country I guess.
I know what you mean... People visiting me after I have set up my "grow shelf" never believe me it's just for chilis although they know about my passion for them...

I guess indoor growing and growing weed is the same to most people.
on the tangent, yes i agree it's hard to make ppl believe that you are growing veggies and not pot.. pisses me off, but hydro stores are bassically there for growing pot anyway so they don't care.. lol

i visited my parents this weekend, and saw my dad's seeds planted and they were soakedwith 1/2 inch of waterin each traylol. i dumpedout all the water in the trays and turned up the seed mat from 65 to 80 the next day there was a boom in sprouting lol. sometimes they get it too dry and over react when they don't read about it all the time like us.. heck i still over react a lot :|. science be damed.
I can relate to what you are saying about people being judgmental..I remember when I walked into my local canadian tire..I asked a salesman where the coffee grinders were..The first thing out of his mouth was.What are you using it for..pot????I almost hauled off and slapped him upside the head for such a stupid comment...Instead I told him it was for hot peppers to make powder..Shayne..I dont know sh*t on growing from seed but I myself am learning off my mistakes and getting lots of valuable advice from loyal members from this forum..The way I see it No matter how good you are at it you had to start at one time..Well Pam put it better lol.For my first time from seed I think I have about 95% of all seeds sent to me growing
Talk about a t/j! LOL
Living so close to a school and having lights so close to a window... I'm waiting for the day someone comes knocking on my door wondering what's going on. Especially since I started a little early for the area.
Poisonette said:
Talk about a t/j! LOL
Living so close to a school and having lights so close to a window... I'm waiting for the day someone comes knocking on my door wondering what's going on. Especially since I started a little early for the area.

Lol I know the feeling I live directly across from the local english high school here and most of my plants are right there in the window
I remember(not to get the topic too off track)When we moved down here I was 18 at the time.My family has always had gardens since I can remember..To make the story short.My uncle built his house in a new subdevisionand especially having his inlaws with them(ex farmers) well the did a big garden which they still do to this day...Anyhoo wouldnt you know the town cops show up with a report they are growing maryjane lol..The cop at the time now retired Im good friends with lol went to his house and knew better but still had to do his duties...They both laughed but to this day We all wonder who made that call lol
QuadShotz said:
Yeah, but Potawie, keep in mind in Canada, pot is unoficially legal..i smoked a doobie wit a RMCP at 2am on a corner in Vernon.
[throws idea out there]I keep thing about those in the area of Canada (Patowie's only 6 hours from me) having a THP get together.....[/throws idea out there]
I guess I should get a passport, or we need an Ottawa date for a defcon day.;)
From what I understand they suspended needing that for the moment. You don't need one right now for driving across the boarder but do need one for flying.
just to clear things up here .
I am not saying indoor growing is a bad idea and for some of you its the only way .
what I am saying in that I have had friends that have tried to grow peppers indoors starting them real early thinking they would be huge and produce alot when they were moved outside but they never made it.
I will be starting a few next year under lights as I want to try some things and heating a greenhouse is hard when its minus 40 and you only get 7 hours of sun a day.
As for anyong getting no help from a green house when you ask about indoor growing... that is just a case of asking the wrong person and most people that work at a greenhouse are just there to water and do what the king tells them to do.
I have a buddy in the business that runs 18 30x100ft houses and in feb there are 3 people working there and in may there are 70.
chilliman64 said:
do him a favour and punch some little holes in the cartons, a nice secret to keep to yourself and he probably won't notice
Until there's water everywhere. Don't secretly try to make people think they are doing it right.
By the way. Those seeds on top look like they will pop any day now.