Yeah, nothing special. People will go crazy over whats popular, and want to be a part of it. Its emotionalism, and wanting to be a part of whats new. Reminds me of a fad here that is just annoying. There is a barbecue restaurant called 4 Rivers that everyone and their mother have their bumper sticker on their cars, and line up like school children to get. Its really crap imo, but to those who have never had nice barbecue, they would not know any better. Its just barbecue loaded with sugar and chemicals, so it feeds their sugar addictions. Its so annoying to see so many people giving this place free publicity, and of course because everyone else likes it, it becomes even more popular. I think now people just put the bumper sticker on their cars because everyone else is doing it, like its the "cool" thing, puke. WAY over rated, like Wawa. In fairness, what I do like about Wawa is their setup. Most of the ones here have a front and back entrance with parking in both places. Its a little easier to getting in and out of. Plus some of them now carry non ethanol gas, so that is a big plus. Its essentially a Race Trac, and 7 Eleven and a sub shop combined with a superior layout.