• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wayrights 2twelve

OK ! Another season is upon us! :dance:

I am gearing up and getting some seeds to hook!

First thing.. I got some ProMix BX for the first time ever!
I usually just buy cheap ish and add my own stuff to it!


But I do like this stuff!
If for no other reason than, that even after being wetted a bunch of times,,,it still wicks up the bottom water amazingly!


So,, again! Simple setup of flouros,, will get me going till plantout!


I started my seeds about a month ago,,, no heat ,,no fert ,, the way I always do it! :)

And now I have some lil sprouts!


Soo... I will soon get together a growlist!
I know that I cut it WAY down this year!
to like, 20 types!
I know!! crazy right?? :crazy:

Oh and my lil voodoo chemistry set is updated and ready for June!

Dont ask! Don't Tell! :shh:


Thank you STC! I love my redneck irrigation! :dance:

So,, yea! my plants are getting used to their new home and almost ready to shove em out of tha nest!


They are beggin me for something to eat!


Soo,, this may be the last time yall see em this small! :beer:
Goodbye babies!!


My new toy!!!
Feedin time!! :)

And mebbe because of the mild winter,, but I have tons!!! of volunteers this year!!

Ive never seen soo many! all thru my rows!

Till next time!!

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Ha, that's madness. Usually I don't notice any pepper volunteers popping up until late May, and then only a few here and there.

What sort of spacing do you use for your peppers? They seem awfully close given their size by the end of the season... but then, you've got the whole pepper hedge thing down pat.
Lookin good Kevin!!
I don't get mine in the dirt for a few more days. Looks like the frost is gone for the year but got some storms comin.
You gonna let a few of those volunteers grow up?
Sync,, I know right!! I have a million little guys wanting to claim their territory! :rofl:
The first row there is Biker Billy Japs, so they are spaced a little closer than the rest of my garden!
Average about 18" to 2 ' between plants.

Hell yea Noah!! I am ready to start having fun!! :fireball:
Hard to be patient this time of year!! ;)

Thanks Ryan!
I wont try to save them, if they get in my way they will get stepped on! :twisted:
A friends lil brother wants to grow peppers , I will prolly let him dig up some volunteers!

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Go Gators ! :cool:
You know it Jamie!
And hopefully sooner than later chicken!
Gotta get these guys on P90X! :)

Thank you Dan! They are still soo tiny tho!!
I'll see what I can do about that! ;)

Vlad, thanks for looking my friend!
I may have jumped the gun on getting them in soo early!
But I think they will recover

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Aiight! So yea, I finally started to feed my plants last Sunday night, and I should be done by Friday!

All my plants that survived, have really started popping!

After just one week,they are really doin their thing!
Here are some side by side comparisons from last weeks update!


Greenin up!


They really were hungry!!


Even my volunteers are happy with me!


Im hopin that the next few weeks will bring a huge growth spurt!

Now THAT'S a pepper patch!

A few questions for you. How large is that area? How many peppers do you fit in that space? And how far apart are you spacing them?

My community garden plot is 20' x 20', but it has to hold tomatoes, tomatillos, zucchini, and some other odds and ends in addition to peppers. Trying to decide how far to space, using a Florida weave type support system. It's the difference between getting 36 plants in the space ... or 48.
Thank you Bonnie :)
I would guesstimate its 30 x 60??
I started with 275 plants, Ive killed 4-5 of em so far tho! :P

You know it Jamie!,Im thinkin a week till they are touching each other!! :dance:

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Could I have a Jonah and a brain strain? Id be happy to make a pic up

even trade varieties

Nu Mexico chili and Suave heatless habs.
Nice looking garden, kind of weid down here I guess, my plants grew all through the winter, i am harvesting superhots right now. Welcome to the dsert.
haha, Kevin I didn't know you were running a nursery ;) In that case, I'll have 2 of those, 4 of those and 8 of those...riiight there>>>>>>> ;) :party:
Could I have Jessica Alba? I will post many pics too! :P

Thanks Armac! I know right!!? Global Warming is a beautiful thing! :dance:

LOL Shauna ! Good to see ya!
The only nursery Im runnin is one for the criminally insane! :rofl:
