We Worry to much!

Sure I've been guilty of it! and I'm sure we all have at one point or another. But I was just thinking that (most) growers worry to much about their plants. Just give plants the basics, watch for pests, avoid extreme temps and let them do their thing:) :dance:
Yeah but . . . Did I kill my seeds ?

Reading your post it's very possible. Germination temps are best for chili seeds between 80-85 degrees F. However, I've read stories of seeds germinating around 110-120 degrees F. BUT IT'S NOT RECOMMENDED. So dont give up hope, reduce temp to 80-85 and germinate more seeds just in case! Good luck!
We do worry too much but its good that we care too much, as for me if i didnt care my plants would be dead the sun its too hot were im at, and need care like crazy but i dont mind i love my hobby ^_^
No word of a lie, my best performers have always been the ones I rarely touch... if at all!

Next season I'm seriously thinking about just whacking some seeds straight into the ground and doing absolutely nothing else until harvest time comes.... (but where's the fun in that?)
Couldn't agree more. The past week, I've had little time to tend to my plants. However, I've noticed more growth from them in this week than any other week. It's shown me good proof that I just need to leave them alone and stop worrying about every little thing that goes on with them.
I prepped a small spot added mulch and these popped up(they where in the mulch), the soil was not ready they started slow but have come on like crazy the last couple months.
Please tell that to the Squatchman since he seems to be adjusting a lot and they seem to be cornfused. However, the few he put into random holes he dug on his hill are rocking out with their lack of supervision.

Well, I'm going to be gone a lot over the next couple weeks. That should help.
"watch for bugs and avoid heat"

I have to deal with this every day in west texas so I have to care to much????????

Its on my list of things to worry about. I forgot to throw Ph in there as well. What I meant by people worry to much is. People that worry if their plants are wilted, people that worry if a few leaves fall off, people that worry about a few spots on the leaves, etc...

I personally don't understand the need for all these elaborate grow setups, specialised fertalizers, etc.

But then again it must be like having THIS:



Its on my list of things to worry about. I forgot to throw Ph in there as well. What I meant by people worry to much is. People that worry if their plants are wilted, people that worry if a few leaves fall off, people that worry about a few spots on the leaves, etc...

Oh Yeah I hear ya! Didn't mean to bash your statement just was saying I DO worry about those lol. Yes I know what you mean. Get a little droop here and there and the overeacting can usually cause more harm than good. I speak from experience because I did it last year. Then again it was one of the worst years in Texas, agriculturally speaking, in many years due to the heat and lack of rain.
Oh Yeah I hear ya! Didn't mean to bash your statement just was saying I DO worry about those lol. Yes I know what you mean. Get a little droop here and there and the overeacting can usually cause more harm than good. I speak from experience because I did it last year. Then again it was one of the worst years in Texas, agriculturally speaking, in many years due to the heat and lack of rain.

Now worries! You didnt bash. That's a bummer about last yr! :(
I think it's normal to worry especially when we have spent so much time preparing beds and making compost as well as researching things all of the off season.

I personally don't worry that much because it's just a pepper that is maybe $.40 a seed.
Now if it was another plant that is $10-12 per seed from Amsterdam then I would be a lot more worried. ;)
I couldn't agree more. If I had a dollar for every thread name that includes "Calcium", I would have a lot of dollars! If there is one thing I have learned it is unless they are on death's doorstep (which you will DEFINITELY know), leave em the hell alone. To each his own, but my plants always seem much happier when I am not trying to kill them....

I second the coffee.
I couldn't agree more. If I had a dollar for every thread name that includes "Calcium", I would have a lot of dollars! If there is one thing I have learned it is unless they are on death's doorstep (which you will DEFINITELY know), leave em the hell alone. To each his own, but my plants always seem much happier when I am not trying to kill them....

I second the coffee.

We seem to see the same thing going on here. Many folks are spending extra money to KILL their plants.

Less is better