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weather question.

it is going to hit the upper 50's for the next two nights here should i be worried about my caribbean reds and habs?will this be enough to kill my plants and the blooms on them?
that's a normal night time summer temperature for me and my caribbean reds have some nice fat juice pods.

i use 45F as my night time low limit, then i bring my plants into the house or put them in the garage, not that this temperature will kill the immediately but the daytime high may hit 80F, then the radical temp drop affects flowering and fruit set. on those plants that have finished setting fruit they can stay in the garage but most of my chinenses are just at the flowering or fruit setting, so i can't take the chance.

you're safe!
I remember last year in November, we had a couple straight evening temps. in the low 30's, and my Caribbean Reds were the last to get harvested, I had around six plants at the time, it made it easy to pick the pods since the plants finally wimped out and the leaves shriveled up, I didn't realize how many pods were buried in the canapy but they stuck out like a sore thumb....easy pickins........who knows maybe the cold temp brings out the flav like Brussel Sprouts........wishful thinking

Cold temperature in the 40's/50's is more critical in the early stages, normally when someone gets anxious and trys to harden off the plants to soon, that usually results in a set back or stunted growth,

This year I was battling the terrible weather we had in Apr/early May, I had to get my Tomatoes out of the house to harden off. I had over 140 Tomatoes in 1 gal trade containers, waiting for the plant sales, For a whole 2 weeks at nite I had to cover the plants with 10x20 sheets of fiber embedded visqueen, (I wish I had a "hot house") The covering helped but I still lost a few, normally my peppers are already out by May 15th, .................yikes, ........time to start the grub...