
retailers and producers: How did you set up your website? what programs are you using? did you go to an outside company or use an existing merchant site broker and set it up yourself? any other tidbits I need to know?
3 years ago when we were starting out, we shelled out big bucks up front to a well established "Web Designer" to build a website for Cape Fear Pepper Co...Even with a legal contract the site was never completed. The guy floundered on the deal, leaving us with nothing. Legal action was taken, but when your the little guy, sometimes shit happens. Then it was back to square one with a empty wallet and legal fees to boot. The web page that I currently have was built by my lovely wife who took it upon herself to learn code and she also designed our product listings on ebay from scratch. My point is, do plenty of research before choosing a web designer if that's the route you should decide to take, but my advice would be to take a few classes and build your own site if you have the time. BTW, we are using Yahoo for our host and they already have generic store templates available that are very easy to use for those that want to use it.
[quote name='Cap'n Bones']The web page that I currently have was built by my lovely wife who took it upon herself to learn code and she also designed our product listings on ebay from scratch. [/QUOTE]

Same boat here, my wife is a webmaster, kinda helped.
I need help on one page...darn tables and cells don't line up...driving me insane...
But ya DD don't waste money into a webdesigner yet, get help from friends or learn the code,
MS Frontpage it's a good starter and not too expensive. I am not a web guru but i got it to work
in 3-4 weeks
The sites I normally look at (chili world and peppers by post to name two. is another one) are very basic. Thing is, they're basic but THEY DO THE JOB! I don't need 2 meg of rotating chili GIFs, I certainly don't need chrome plated navigation bars, I'm happy they've got pictures of products and clear links.

I've been doing our firms website every year until this year, when we got pros in, but I think the legal market is a little different ;) Netscape Composer is still one of my favourite tools, and it's dead easy to use. Macromedia Contribute is a good one as well and has (I THINK) built in Paypal functionality so you can take payments that way if you want to.

If you want to be able to make people pay DIRECT by credit card.... I don't know how to do that.

To summarize: Get some images, get some decent text (in my experience, the hardest bit) and have a crack yourself. If you have any simple HTML queries, I'm more than happy to giv eyou a hand (as is Mouth, from the look of it)
I burned my retinas

What is an allotment?