color Weird Orange Habs...

Hey guys,
I thought you would be interested in checking out these weird orange habs. I gave one of my seedlings to my sister and her husband in the spring. Do to a variety of events including pepper maggots, my brother in law going to china for 2 months to do work for the olympics, and a few storms that blew the plants over, by the time my brother-in-law returned on Aug 30 my sister had pulled 4 peppers plants out of the ground and had pretty much given up on the garden. My orange hab plant was left to mother nature. I was over there for dinner and decided to head out there and see what I could salvage. To my surprise I found some interesting pods that do not match the pods that the plant produced before it being left alone. The pictures only show 8 of the best ones but there were a bunch that looked similar but where not as defined. Anyway here is the link Habs/
Well I guess this thread kind of ties into the ripe 7 pod thread because the plant that produced these weird looking pods had previously produced absolutely normal looking orange habs. These weird ones showed up after my sister stop caring for the plant. The conditions were dry with I believe 2 heavy non-consecutive rain days over about a months time or so. So I guess weather affects pod shape more than I realized.
These weird ones showed up after my sister stop caring for the plant.

And the plants know it too...they sense neglect...they know when you love them, and sing to them, and bid them goodnight.....and the know when you give up on them...they know it I tell ya. :hell:

Then they turn funny shapes....and it just goes from there.....I tell ya.:onfire:

Hell maybe it's just the water.......:lol:
Well cheezydemon, my sister and her husband were going to tear their garden up and clean it up for the winter. They figured they might as well get it done since they basically gave up on this year. So, I figured I would take what I could. Got some ripe habs but the ones that looked like this were green. It makes sense because they gave up on it about a month ago so the pods would have had to have grown after this and therefore would still be green.
Id agree wit Scoville..looks liek SB.

My funky habs has some of that, btu not THAT much bonnet trait.

Eat 'em and find out! ;)