Welcome Aboard Quadshotz

The Hippy seed company is a small Australian business that's starting to expand. We mainly sell seeds but due to the demand of Chilli Products, we have to Expand our Range of Naturally grown, Australian Made products as well as other Aussie Products from others that we will help market.

So a Big THSC welcome to the New Head of our Product Testing and Development Dept Mr Mark "Quadshotz" Johnson.

We are sure He will provide everybody with Hrs of interesting and Entertaining viewing with tests of our and others products over the coming seasons and are heaps looking forward to our future associaton.

thankss :)
Thanks Neil, it's an honour and a priviledge to work with such a good bloke and a fine chilehead.

I'll try my best to be a hardly trained, semi-professional, honest, humourous and insane lunatic in the pursuit of pepper domination. :D

To the New Age of Capiscum.....May it reach out and bite ya. ;)

You, Andrew, and I, just maybe we'll change everyones perception of the truly hot eh?

Here's to making the Naga the next Chipotle. :-)

Cheers, and thanks again mate.

No Probs Mate, and thanks for joining us on this most Excellent adventure

yea Natural can be just as good if not better,,how hard is it to pick a chilli off a plant, chop it up and add to food or a dried 1.. And depending on what ya eating can change flavour totallly, 100's of diff ways as 100's of diff chilli''s with diff flavours.

Plus, Why can't ya have Natural hot products sauces , made from all natural products as well, with Ripper tastes and people shall seee..

Thanks Rainbowberry bout the Powder, took a while to find the right combo of habs for and so glad you liked it.. i believe that will be the 1st of the New Products QS wil be testing and his should pack be arriving very soooon :) only have 25 packs till next season as when found combo, only had so many habs..
Funny how that Mickey D's video sealed the deal :lol:

RingburnDave said:
Congrats Quad ;) I love your videos.. one day I may do one myself

Just do it! :-D

Even if it's just habs..show the world your chilehead colors. We all talk about eating this and that crazy stuff..I say prove it. ;-)

I just made a vid of me eating a late snack...frozen burrito, cheap cheese, hab sauce, lots of habs and my Bih/Chipotle/Birdseye powder. ;)

It's normal and no biggie for me, but it's done to show non-chilehead folks that it CAN be normal. Most of eating really hot food is mental..if you expect to freak out, you will. It's exactly like taking acid..and i've 'baby-sat' a lot of newbies there..

It's time us who don't fear the pepper take over the videos.

I'm tired of vids of people choking and generally making fun of it all aka "dumb kids fail at hottest sauce" type vids.

That is not the whole story, now is it? In none of my vids do I ever have any liquids, freak out, or die..lol

thehotpepper.com said:
Funny how that Mickey D's video sealed the deal :lol:



If not for THP it wouldn't have happened, so props to ye mate. :)
