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chinense Wendy's ghost pepper fries

I'd love to see the actual % of bhut used (if any) in these and other fast food lately (Popeyes ghost pepper wings come to mind). I haven't tried the Wendy's fries, but did give the burger a go. Not bad considering where it came from, but as with the Popeyes wings, no bhut flavour at all, and all heat was derived from either jalapeños in wendys case, or more cayenne in popeyes. Just a marketing gimmick as already stated.
Yeah, they're kind of crappy. Jack in the box sandwich taste great to me, but not really hot either. Hell there are restaurants that still think the Bhut is hottest in the world. They had bhut chili. It tasted great, and got your mouth warm...but not crazy hot.
I just appreciate that the food industry is at least sticking they're toes in the spicy water.
I got the spicy jalapeño chicken sandwich one and when i got back to my house, there wasn't any spicy jalapeño sauce on it....
I stopped and grabbed some, hottest aspect was the jalapenos... if you can call that hot, maybe I am really hungry or the sinus infection has me not tasting much but they really wasn't that bad... just not hot
The sandwich is actually a decent tasting sandwich if you have your own sauce to put on it.

The fries are pretty bad. I'm actually a fan of Wendy's fries in general too. These are fries they've slathered with nacho cheese, put a drizzle of their "ghost pepper" sauce, and added some "jalapenos" which seem to be thoroughly doused in water to make it taste like a bell pepper.

But really, even without any heat, the sandwich has its own merits for me, but the fries are nothing more than run-of-the-mill cheese fries.

To put it another way, if they didn't market this as "omg ghost pepper", I'd still get the sandwich, but pass on the fries.
nastafarian said:
Technically, no...they called it "Ghost" pepper, as in it is a figment of your imagination and doesn't exist in this plane of reality.
Now if they had called it Bhut Jolokia fries, you might have a case!

Actually, "Bhut" means ghost, so we don't have a case in India. :P

I agree, for fast food, Wendy's spicy chicken and fries are about as good as it gets, this new version however, sucks.  I will take the sandwich and bring it home and put some hot sauce on it, the nuggets with some bbq sauce spiked with Cauterizer, and eat the fries on the way home, plain.
Has anyone noticed that the ghost pepper fries are back? They are a portion of fries about the size of a small, with regular melted cheese sauce, shredded cheddar, a few lines of a cheese sauce with ghost pepper flavor, and the diced jalapeños. When customers ask what ghost pepper fries are, we are allowed to tell them. Yes, I lost my factory job when the factory closed and now I work at a Wendy's. The chicken sandwiches are back, too, but I haven't tried them. I suggest asking for the actual ghost pepper cheese sauce in a small container on the side. That way you can try it without the other two cheeses.
Wendy's (and In-N-Out) are probably my least favorite fast food hamburger joints. I prefer Jack N The Box and Carls Jr.
I'm with Ozzy though, I think it's awesome so many fast food / restaurants are introducing spicer dishes. Even if they are super mild to me, I like that growing interest. It shows there is a public demand.
:sick: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuq Wendys !
never again .
(this is, just, like, my opinion man)
Student of Spice said:
yeah I wasn't impressed I didn't sense any heat, flavour was shit. just nasty fries covered in cheese sauce basically. ate a couple then tossed them.
I Still stand by this statement, funny thing is as browsing through here and having a conversation with a buddy of mine and we were surprised that we were having this exact convo today a year ago and this thread had resurfaced. But yeah, they are still shit! lol.