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What a Find !

Some real beauties I found at the local produce market today. I was stunned. This is NOT normal for where I live!!! Scotch Bonnet paradise has strucken.




prety bonnets...wish I had some with supper tonight....
Nice chillis. I order a tray of Scotch Bonnets every fortnight, I can have red, orange, or yellow, with the odd green ones. Here's some out of the tray. They're not very squashed in shape this week, a lot of them are quite long too.



A ripening one.


Some yellow ones.
The bloke I get them from told me they're grown in Hydro in Holland, well the yellow ones are anyway. The red ones came from a different source. I get the yellow ones from the local Green Grocer, he dosen't sell them in his shop but orders a tray from the wholesalers for me.
Coincidentally I've just returned from a great trip to the north coast of Jamaica.

Was a bit of trouble finding scotch bonnets since the markets were a little far away but I got some, the red was hard to find but got one in the beach restaurant. The orange was also harder to find and I only took 1 each in the market but the orange only had a few seeds.




I've found the Orange are rarer, also sometimes I've found it hard to tell if it's really orange or just a yellow one that's looks orangy. The orange ones I've had are often smaller and the skin isn't as shiny than the yellow/red.
I'm jealous. The only kind of pepper I can ever find is hab's and jalapenos... In fact, I think I'm going to have to pick up some habs tonight and make a salad... Gotta detox after this weekend. A man should not live on pizza for 3 days.

Nice to see you took home some pods. :) Great detective work in Jamaica. I didn't know they'd be so difficult to locate. I always thought Jamaica was Scotch Bonnet heaven. :lol:


lennyk said:
Coincidentally I've just returned from a great trip to the north coast of Jamaica.

Was a bit of trouble finding scotch bonnets since the markets were a little far away but I got some, the red was hard to find but got one in the beach restaurant. The orange was also harder to find and I only took 1 each in the market but the orange only had a few seeds.
not that they are hard to find but I was in the kinda resort area
and so had to go to the main town market to find vendors.
I also suspect that there is a lot of crossbreeding since many vendors say scotch bonnet but they look like regular trinidad congo peppers and dont have the squashed bonnet shape but I got ones looking like that
let me know if you still want a few seeds, I can spare some.
klyth said:
I'm jealous. The only kind of pepper I can ever find is hab's and jalapenos....

I agree with Klyth, around here, the only fresh peppers are jalapenos and if your lucky Habs, though I haven't seen them in while. Later in the year, the stores usually have Hot Hungarian Wax and sometimes Pablanos. But, that is the extent. Sometimes I think people in this area are just too use to bland diets. It's even a challenge to find decent hot sauces and salsas.

I have never seen Habs in England. The supermarkets sell Jalapeno/Fresno type looking chillis, Birds Eye and thin Thai ones and the odd few sell Scotch Bonnets but you get 3-4 small different coloured ones in a packet and they're expensive, over 2 US Dollars. If your lucky you can find an Indian supermarket that sells Scotch Bonnets (usually red) but you have to dive deep in the crate to get past the rotting ones.