What a Find !

Ewww... well I can't find fresh Jalapenos, Habaneros, Bonnets or anything in the supermarket. they suck! I order mine from farmers.
Just like me ordering them from the Green Grocers (you know what I mean, the man that owns a fruit & veg shop).

* Omri's following in my footsteps again :)
rainbowberry said:
Just like me ordering them from the Green Grocers (you know what I mean, the man that owns a fruit & veg shop).

* Omri's following in my footsteps again :)
Sure, whatever you say. :lol:
Rock on! :cool:
Don't get me obsessed with my search for the elusive "yellow 7 pod." It's a pod I made up in my mind. lol. I just know it exists. I don't know why, but it has to. L( A chilehead obsession perhaps.

TriniHottie said:
Lenny the pic with pods on the glass table ... is the pod on the right a yellow 7 pod...?
I REALLY think it's just a weird bonnet, but why would you ask that? is there a yellow 7 Pot? :shocked:
Omri said:
I REALLY think it's just a weird bonnet, but why would you ask that? is there a yellow 7 Pot? :shocked:

To drive everyone crazy by making them think there is Yet Another Cool and Elusive Pepper out there?
it is supposed to be a bonnet also.

My theory is that the real bonnet peppers have the squashed bonnet shape but the crossbreeds etc tend towards a congo/habanero type shape which is where that one is headed

Omri said:
I REALLY think it's just a weird bonnet, but why would you ask that? is there a yellow 7 Pot? :shocked:
I've read quite a bit Lenny indicating the same thing you said. Jamaican sellers are struggling to keep the "pure" Scotch Bonnet as cross-breeding exists so easily. It's a shame as they are so unique. Hopefully some growers do their best to retain / isolate these treasures.

cmpman1974 said:
Don't get me obsessed with my search for the elusive "yellow 7 pod." It's a pod I made up in my mind. lol. I just know it exists. I don't know why, but it has to. L( A chilehead obsession perhaps.


I'm sorry Chris... lol... If I do find them I'll post pics... :)
There is a good article on bonnets on Dave's site


"Scotch bonnet graded according to quality of the product. Grade A (or Grade 1) is better than Grade B (or Grade 2). A Grade A Scotch bonnet is expected to:
--have a cup and saucer shape or look like a Scottish man's bonnet (tam)
--have four or five lobes
--be 1.5 inches wide
--have a stalk no longer than 1 1/4 inches long
--be without blemishes on the skin
--be free of chemical residue"