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What a wild night....

This morning around 230 we had an unsuspecting storm cell hit, chance of rain for that night 30%. I woke up not due to the heavy thunder but the strong winds outside. For 30min I watched as the backyard was ripped apart with winds in excess of 80 mph. The winds started to die down as the main push of the storm passed but maintained heavy winds for the next hour before I could get outside to check on the plants. Amazingly enough not a single leaf, that I was able to see, had been ripped from ANY peppers plants. They look like they are puffing out their chest and saying "Bring it On!" haha. I thought for sure I had lost everything this morning. The winds were blowing east and thankfully all the peppers are snug up against the fence line where the wind was going right over the top. Going to be a good season after all!

++ The stuff that's been moving through here since yesterday hasn't been as bad, which I'm thankful for. Glad to hear yours are doing well!
That sure was a close call for the plants. Im dreading a serious storm because my plants are in the open. But still no rain or storms to speak of in over 2 months in my area but the heat will likely kill the plants before then.
I hear ya Mike, first triple digits of the summer here and barely any plants have set fruit yet. Only the early ones. I figure I won't get many peppers until Fall, seeing a lot of blossom drop from the heat but at least the plants seem ok so far.
Ya no doubt, was amazing they came out of that wind unharmed. I had a blueberry shrub that was ripped literally in two pieces, zucchini plants were ripped and shredded all over the yard and my dwarf peach tree looks like a shaved lion haha. Today is the first day in the past almost two weeks we have not had true triple digit heat, today it's heat indexed at 101 but that's due to humidity.

Yep, and it's sticky as hell out there! Can't wait to get home to my little guys so I can give them some attention. I need to get a couple of them outside to harden up some. That's a blessing that your peppers went unharmed, that wind was killer last night.
It's very possible... The cell that formed and snuck up on me this morning was going in an eastern direction. We have some more storms coming from the southwest areas of Texas. They are already saying they are going to be just as bad and to expect 60+ mph winds around 1am.
