We old folk have heaps of great stories to tell.
Our lies are even better!
True story.
Didn't your balls just drop last week?
Usually the fact that we're too polite to tell them that they're holding up the express lane, and that we really wouldn't love to hear about their cat Snickers and how their second, no third granddaughter who just learned to talk last year after they got a late start with talking because there's too much of that damnable television on, well anyway, Snickers and Maribell, that's the granddaughter by the way, named after her grandmother on her mothers side, well Maribell and Snickers played dress-up the other day and it was just so gosh-darned cute.what allows old people... To tell us younger folks such amazing stories
thats called the pile driver!You know you're old when you have to stand her on her head and drop it in.