What am i doing wrong with my tolerance?

Hi everyone.

Ok so i am fairly new to the forum. I have read up a bit and i am amazed at what is being done by some of you. I knocked myself down a bunch earlier this week. I used to buy my jalapeno and tabasco at the store until i decided to grow them this year along with other varieties. I have cooked alot with them and eaten them raw on several occasions. No issue. Spicy, good but meaah... i thought i was tough. Now my Tabasco is putting out fruit left and right. I picked out a orange one, so not ripe all the way to red and a small pod mind you for tabasco. Popped it into my mouth and instant heat, alot of pugnancy, even a bit of a bitter taste and i got the hiccups right away. The heat was all over and it lasted nearly 8 - 10 solid minutes, or at least it fealt that way. I have never had a store bought tabasco whoop me like that. My plant does not look like its a cross, i bought the seed from a good source. I guess i just cant believe how low my tolerance is. A tabasco is way bellow a habanero let alone a scorpion or bhut. I am thinking i may not want to go that route :):):)

I will say this, there was just pure heat to the tabasco, the little nibbles i take off the habaneros and bhuts i have bought on this forum have a lot more flavor then just heat. And my Datil plant, man i want to marry that pepper right now. I can eat those pods heat and all the flavor is addictive. I sweat more on the datil but it does not feel as bad as the tabasco... go figure. :hell: :dance:

any input other then my lack of manliness :beer: :rofl:
Different people have different tolerances... Just because you wouldn't be able to eat a whole bhut (or me either for that matter) does not mean that you can not make an excellent sauce or meal perfectly suited to your taste for heat... It has nothing to do with manliness... I never ever eat whole pods... I taste them and see what I might like them in... some pods taste orangish, or lemony or appleish and some pods taste like nothing but HEAT I generally steer away from those... I like the burn but I LOVE the taste!
Sauces can be a good way to build tolerance and there is a mountain of great super hot sauces made by THP members. Eat it straight, a tablespoon at a time. Try making your own sauce too, ramp the heat up batch to batch as your ready to. You can also work through progressively hotter peppers eating whatever size piece you can handle. The people you see eating whole pods are able to handle it, but they are feeling the heat I assure you. One step at a time brother, or you could just eat a Butch T and get it over with, just make sure you vid it if you do!! :crazy:

Rock on,

There is a difference in the burn. I can cook with jalapenos, serranos, Thai chiles so hot, I can barely stand them...yet turn around, and pop caribbean reds, orange habs, even red savinas into meals like it's nothing. It's different with each pepper.
nah guys its cool. thanks for the answers. I will work on it. I mainly grow the peppers for cooking, so you are spot on. I am still curious why the jalapeno and tabasco i am growing feel so much hotter then the fresh jalapeno and tabasco i used to buy at the store. Do you think i might not have a good strain of tabasco and it is a cross somewhere down the line?

Yeah i definitly want to learn to make my own sauces, and THP is full of good stuff on that. :onfire: :onfire: :rofl: :rofl:
Many folks under estimate the heat of tobasco peppers. To me the burn is quite different from chinense types and harder for me to handle.
I am still curious why the jalapeno and tabasco i am growing feel so much hotter then the fresh jalapeno and tabasco i used to buy at the store. Do you think i might not have a good strain of tabasco and it is a cross somewhere down the line?

Arijer - I had the same question a while back. I used to buy a lot of store orange Habs 'cos they were and still are the hottest pepper I can buy at my local stores. I could pop them whole and munch them down without too much discomfort. Then a young Mexican chef at a local eatery hooked me up with some of his home grown habs and the heat seemed like it was 10 times greater than the store bought.

The reason? Peppers develop their heat and flavor as they ripen on the plant. Most store bought peppers are picked long before they're ripe, to allow a new crop to develop, thus giving a greater output. They are then quite often gas ripened, a quick process of developing their color, but not their heat (or flavor). So the store bought peppers are smaller, less flavorful and far milder than a similar pepper allowed to ripen on the plant.

I think that accounts for most of the difference you are experiencing.

Now man-up and munch down, you baby :lol: :eek: :lol:
Don't sweat it, arijer. No pun intended. :lol: Your tolerance for spicy food should not be some sort of goal that you work toward. You should eat chilis that you enjoy. Manliness has nothing to do with it.
Don't under estimate the Tobasco ! They still hurt!

Yeah you guys are right on. All those years of downing tabasco sauce (the brand name) like it was water made me underestimate a true home grown tabasco. Holy #$#$, good stuff. I think i will keep it for using as pure heat in dishes with out altering the flavor. My other hot peppers I hope i can use for actual base for the flavor of the food, such as the congo peppers and scorpions, datil...

Thanks guys.

Now time to man up.... and eat a Aji Caballero. . Wish me luck i will post my results :onfire:
Still feels worse then any Scheug i threw on my falafel back home in Jerusalem. God i miss those :(
Back home in Jerusalem? Israeli are ya?
Well if ya are, you already know the "harif" in Israel usually isn't that spicy. it sure tastes good, though. :)
Yup sabra born and bred :)
Going home next month it's been a year and I am going through withdrawal lol :)
Yeah ibises to think Harif was the hot stuff, well my view point has changed jajajajaja :)
אמנם באיחור, אבל ברוך הבא. :)
בנוגע לסחוג, אולי לא מטורף, אבל אין על הרבה שום, כוסברה ולימון עם פלפלים טריים. ;)
Some of those little tobasco types will burn like :hell: , especialy the lips and tip of the tongue for me anyway. Some of the chinense varieties are definately hotter, and will still burn your lips and tongue, but seem to be a more whole body heat. Some seem to burn differnt parts of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach. I saw a good post where someone really broke it down (chemically)but I can't find it now. But, just because the tobasco lit you up, don't let that put you off on trying others. Give it time and build your way up slowly and enjoy the ride! :cheers:
אמנם באיחור, אבל ברוך הבא. :)
בנוגע לסחוג, אולי לא מטורף, אבל אין על הרבה שום, כוסברה ולימון עם פלפלים טריים. ;)

,תודה רבה
,ברוחים הנמצאיםֿ
למאן האמת כנער אני חייתי על סחוגֿ
:) שום וכוסברה הולך עם כמעט הכול
עוד חדש ואני מנשק פלאפאל
Some of those little tobasco types will burn like :hell: , especialy the lips and tip of the tongue for me anyway. Some of the chinense varieties are definately hotter, and will still burn your lips and tongue, but seem to be a more whole body heat. Some seem to burn differnt parts of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach. I saw a good post where someone really broke it down (chemically)but I can't find it now. But, just because the tobasco lit you up, don't let that put you off on trying others. Give it time and build your way up slowly and enjoy the ride! :cheers:

You are right on, I was just shocked at that little tabasco. They do the pepper a injustice with the sauce, lol. I think i am going to start picking them up green and not let them get to red. Too dangerous jajajajaja
I can legitimately consume any of the superhots. I find the anumms are more difficult to eat. They aren't as hot but they have more sting.

Everybody is different, every species has a different relationship between the types of capsacin in it. This makes every pepper unique to every person. Embrace it!! Find some peppers you love, and experiment with a group of others every year!!

Right now I am in love with 7 pots, they will replace my stock of milder chinenses, well most of them, and I will love it,

Whatever your body can and can't handle, work your way around it and embrace it - there is no right and wrong, just love and interest.
+ 1
+ 1

I find eating Bhuts more tolerable than tabascos, they're not as hot obviously, but definitely a different burn. One I'm not really used to.

Also, that's a good point above regarding store-bought peppers being picked unripe and hence, not being as hot.