health What am I doing wrong?

Not sure about the temperature, but they been on the radiator some nights to get warm and cosy lol

But wait! Just found another seedling when I messed with the pot! lol See what happens with that one.. I might keep them dryer from now on then. But difficult since I'm scared they'll dry out when I'm at work or away.. :)

Edit: Of course I have to post a picture of that too! lol
hopefully it works out for you! i think you'd be surprised at how long you can go without watering them. Even when the top or sides seem dry, the interior could still be fairly moist. If you're going to water often, do it very moderately so you don't soak them.

good luck!
Get some air moving around them. Like Ballz said even when the top looks dry there may still be some moisture available underneath. The seedlings can survive for a little bit without water.

Good luck.
Thanks for the tips guys, I appreciate it. Today the middle one that I found have grown a lot. Got my hopes up for that one :D
over here small fans are cheap. helps alot to keep air moving,best of luck with saving them,also get rid of peet pellets and use small plastic pots to start seeds work much better.