• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

What am I going to do with all these plants?

haha, A lot of great responses. I got Red, Yellow, Brown, White Ghost pepper. Orange Habs, some kind of chinense c.(most prolific), and Giant Red Japs. Ordered them from pepperlover.com Super fast shipping. More seeds given than what I ordered. Highly suggest this vendor. I hope to make all of the above. I kinda have cooking skills, I just need to read up on all the recipes.
HMMMM I feel your pain, I've maintained 250 tah 400 for a couple years now, there's 62 inside, 50+ on my back patio and they wrap around 2/3rds of my house and out into the yard.
Hahahaha! glad to see I'm not alone! I didn't have a clue what to do with all my plants. I'm gonna plant them tho! I have decided to fill the garden, going to do them in buckets, bought a dwc system and hid lights for an indoor garden and I'm going to build a dwc for outside. The problem after figuring out to do with 80 something plants is what the hell to do with the pods. I'm going to make sauce, paste and powders and torment unsuspecting friends and coworkers. Thinking about Trying the local farmers market too. It will make for a lot of fun! Good luck and enjoy your grow!
Was re reading over this thread and realized that I did not even ask the GF what she wants to grow this year, been to excited about my peppers and where I am going to put all of them.

Last year I had lettuce, tomatos, green beans, onions, green bell peppers, cucumbers. I have no room for the all of the peppers I have this year let alone she will want to grow. Ooppps
Was re reading over this thread and realized that I did not even ask the GF what she wants to grow this year, been to excited about my peppers and where I am going to put all of them.

Last year I had lettuce, tomatos, green beans, onions, green bell peppers, cucumbers. I have no room for the all of the peppers I have this year let alone she will want to grow. Ooppps

How about some ornamentals? Short, colorful, compact. You can also keep em inside with some light from a windowsill. Just a thought. I'm gona put some garda tricolore and some Chinese 5 color for the Wifey.

Not sure about that. Pretty sure I am gunna have to do a cucumber again. I have 2 of those topsy turvey deals that I am gunna do some tomatoes in. Not sure about cucumber plant or anything else at this point. Have to see what she wants this year.
I did ask the land lord if i could turn half of the yard into flower beds, he wasnt to keen on that idea LOL
I have about a hundred and fifty tomato plants, and I plan to only keep about 30-40 (I've got to keep the water bill down during our fantastically wonderful triple-digit four-month-long Summers here). I have over a hundred various chilies that I won't be keeping, that need to move, and that's not counting the Chiltepin starts! I have over 50 new Chiltepin sprouts, and about 25 that are between 2-3 inches tall now.

I have contacted a nursery that is interested in my tomato plants, but will only pay $1.25. Another nursery offered me $1.00 for each superhot start (and Habs). But I just got a call from a hydroponics store that sells plants outside on weekends. In early January they bought 50 chili starts from me. I got a call from them yesterday basically begging me to bring them some more plants, because the others went fast! I'll see what I can work out price-wise.

I might sell some of my Chiltepins on Craig's list, and there are a few here that sell them for good money...And get it! Of course, the Congressman and his wife I worked for this past Summer will be gifted one, and my neighbor from Sonora will get one, too (keep the neighbors happy).

I just share this with you on this thread because it might give someone a few more ideas.
Yes! This past Monday, I transplanted the tomatoes into 1 gallon pots. Tuesday I took 36 (that's all that would fit in my car at one time) to the hydroponics store. I asked for and got $3 each. They want me to hold the others I have for them. They plan to sell them for $6 ($5 in quantity) each. Now my peppers are starting to take off in size, so those are next. Oh, and I sold 7 of the tomatoes for $5 each to individuals on Monday and Tuesday off just one Craigslist ad. One of the buyers also bought two Italian sweet pepper plants, and wants a Jalapeno plant and a cucumber plant.
Yikes, this boat we are all in is getting crowded- it's a party boat, right?

Most of what I started came up and I planted way more than I needed. I was feeling a bit unsure of my skills in germination and over did it. Hopefully, I can hide some of the plants in the front landscaping. Dh has put the word out at his work that he will have extras for cheap. We also have a neighborhood yard sale when it gets warm and was planning on putting out there, too. Dh wonders how many more red solo cups are going to invade the living room.

I'm glad I'm not alone. I had real good germ rates and the few which didn't do 100% I reseeded to fill out the trays. I have 270 lovely plants started. Not counting the 55 over wintered ones. I kinda screwed up planting my reg red/yellow/orange bells, Anaheims, grillers, etc at the same time I planted my superhots. The big ones are getting big fast. Too early to set out for at least a month so I guess I'll fire up another MH in the garage and move those monsters there. No. i'm not an addict.......
Of the 55 that I had planted only 7 did not come up.
5 of them had germinated in a wet paper towel and I potted them but they died. The other 2 didnt germinate. So you think this would be a big relief ro me since it is 7 less spots I have to try and find for the plants when I plant them, Yeah,.....No, Dug the seeds out and replanted the same type back in the pots, so i am back to 55 plants.
Didnt think my germ rate would be this high(over 96%)

On a brighter note my 2 yr old loves going down to the basement and looking at "daddy's babies" LOL. Her and I went down last night she points one of the larger plants, says big, she then points at a smaller one and says baby, gotta love it. As I was taking her back upstairs she says bye-bye to the plants. Yep deff daddys little girl.
Dang, as someone else said, I was worried cause on top of all the other veggies, I had to worry where I was going to fit 20 or so pepper plants.

After reading this thread and peoples 200+ plants... I'm thinkin of planting a few more seeds >=)