What Am I?

bought this plant from a home depot. it was labeled as a habanero. but i was wonder what kind of hanbenero, if indeed one. looks kinda different.
the fruit

the flower

the leaf profile

any ideas? thanks in advanced =]
Think its a standard Orange Habanero.

I also spot a black spot (unless its green and the fruit is still maturing, hard to tell in pic) on the end of one of the peppers, which could indicate a calcium deficiency. You might want to start using a liquid fertilizer once a week.

Since I'm on the other side of the world to you, I'll let people closer to you recommend some fertilizers and where to buy them from, if you havent already
Some tomato fertilizer or chili focus will cure the nutrient deficiencies for your plants..Nice Orange Hab :)

You can also get lots of others fertilizers from your local gardening store..Chili focus is one a few fert`s just for chilis.
Welcome and I agree, this is probably an Orange Hab.

Remember to use about half the amount of fertilizer mentioned on the bottle unless you buy sth made for chilis.
Speaking of chilli focus, anyone recommend an online seller that will ship overseas?

Can't get the stuff in Aus. I got a 300ml bottle shipped with my delivery of Choc Bhut seeds, just wanting to know where else I can buy it if I think its doing better than the other ferts Im using
MiLK_MaN said:
Speaking of chilli focus, anyone recommend an online seller that will ship overseas?

Can't get the stuff in Aus. I got a 300ml bottle shipped with my delivery of Choc Bhut seeds, just wanting to know where else I can buy it if I think its doing better than the other ferts Im using

Heard this before MiLK_MaN easy to get in Europe harder elsewhere no a friend in u.s bought some from ebay :)
I'd like to see more of the plant. Chinenses have multiple fruits from their nodes and this one seems not to........
thanks everybody =] finally don't have to doubt what the plant is. haha. i've always loved eating spicy foods, however i just recently began taking interest in chile pepper growing! at my house i am also growing what i believe is goat's weed and the (bhut) jolokia peppers. i can't wait to try them and make somehting out of them. will post more pics of each :mouthonfire: