What are you doing today?

I am working the high tunnel.  Have to rip out old plants, weed, turn dirt, and mulch.  Found design flaw in the tunnel.  Can not get lawn mower or tiller up over skirt.  Plan is to build up ramp with clay, bury the skirt on outside and make some sort of removable ramp for inside,   Probably just some two by fours.  Cant raise inside cause it is where water runs off and out.

If I can get the machines inside the high tunnel, will be done today.  If not, well I got time.  I dont trust the weather yet.  Close but not yet.

Also, getting more of the second wave seeds in.  As plants go out to the high tunnel and mini green houses, I am replacing them in the grow room.  Mostly not super hots, many other garden plants, but some super hots kind of as an experiment to see about late starts.  Never started them this late.
So what are you doing???
Today I am going to pick up some more pete to finish mixing up my soil and have everything planted out, start installing some irrigation to my grow area. Some school work. that will be enough here.
I am at work today. Have an opening shift today and tomorrow. 
So I am adjusting peoples watches, cleaning and polishing their jewelry and telling them how much it is gonna cost to fix their broken stuff.
Wed I get to get my hands back in the dirt
Getting ready to head to the gym for a couple hours of cardio. It's raining here today so kind of a lazy day otherwise.
This evening:
Potting up the Growdown Rapid Rooters to cups.
Moving the following from a 24 hour tea soak to the germ tray:
Infinity Monster
Chocolate Moruga Hix Strain
Madballz Rusty 7 pot
Purple Suomi
Hand pollinating 
At some point I need to take a plant inventory.
Depends on how lazy I'm feeling, I will probably do some of the following today and some in the next few days. But I need to start some milkweed, petunias, and Lemon Balm. Drill some additional holes in my HD bucks which two of my figs will be growing out of this season. And if they are ready up pot the following peppers: Aji Fantasy, Pink Habanero, and Albanian red hot's. Oh and install my automatic watering setup for my raised beds. Ack so much to do and so little time...
Feet changed the plans.  Spent the day on lawn mower.  First mowing then going back over with the sweeper attachment.  Never used the attachment much before, worked great.  Then mulching rows I tilled other day.  Learned something new.  Those follow behind sweepers don't get the counter balance of a person leaning against the hill.  Woops.  Gotta remember to mow with the hill, not sideways.
Sitting in Tacoma, finishing my rest so I can get a load back east. Hoping dispatch hears my plea to get to TN, so I can pick up my new pup... a cane corso my kids have named Chaos.
Today I met with a social worker, got a doctors appointment, then going to plant some more garden seeds.  Last frost is coming and I am really feeling good about it.  Think if not for the farm,I would be curled up in a little ball feeling sorry for self.  Gardening is therapy.
Jake, naw I didn't go all the way but did feel like that guy on the nuke in Dr. Strange love for a moment there.  Yeeeee Yawwwww

Started the last round of tomatoes (mountain gold) in the germination tank. Herbs and flowers poping up everywhere but I'm betting on having to reseed the basil. For the life of me I've never started prickly pear cactus so I can't tell if it's cactus coming up or weeds in one of my center pot. I believe I have enough peppers for the year. It is good that all the grounds, containers, and raised beds are ready cause I'm afraid I'm getting too old for this. There's gonna get a time when the only thing I'm growing is one bird pepper in a pot.
ajdrew said:
Today I met with a social worker, got a doctors appointment, then going to plant some more garden seeds.  Last frost is coming and I am really feeling good about it.  Think if not for the farm,I would be curled up in a little ball feeling sorry for self.  Gardening is therapy.
Jake, naw I didn't go all the way but did feel like that guy on the nuke in Dr. Strange love for a moment there.  Yeeeee Yawwwww

Maybe too graphic but it may be an intestinal thing.  Eat something that gives you the squirts and it may clear up quicker than you expect.
Looking around online for another grow tent...want one a little larger than my current set up. Thinking 8x8x6 or 9x4x6...for an attempt at overwintering plants...

Any suggestions?
Today I am transplanting from plugs to 3" squares and solo cups.  Moving away from the solo cups, but have so many from previous years and I am a cheap bastard.

Maligator, first thought is why a grow tent?  Yes, bouncing light back is a good thing but creates a bunch of other challenges.  Like ventilation so you dont run out of CO2 or over heat from the lights.  I much prefer to grow where I can see the plants.  Do have a large grow room, but like to incorporate plants into the home even I gotta risk cat damage, kid damage, and other unexpecteds. 
Know about being cheep. Still using a heating pad from the 60's for my germination tank. Got gardens tools older than me. Another white bubblegum poped up today along with extra Zimbabwe birds peppers. The purple bell and white jolokia seedlings are getting their first afternoon out. Looks like most of the peppers and tomatoes will be planted permanent around April 8 through 13th. Not much worktoday so I'm soaking up the sun with my cat.