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What are your old fashion tips?

Been wondering what is some of the old myths when growing? I just remembered one and its when do ya plant things in the ground, that is when is it safe? When you see the pecan trees to leaf out the last frost is over. Also I can't remember but someone told me place banana peels around your plants to keep aphids away, I never have tried that one. I have put orange peels in containers to keep the kittie out of them they don't care for the citrius smell So whats yours? :)

"Don't take wooden nickels". and "Don't spit in the wind" also Don't fry bacon in the nude".
But seriously; Will orange peels keep the neighbors black lab away?
Try it I know it worked for kitties and also forgot ground peeper will work for a dog usually smells for its spot to mark then lets it fly Try it I don't like trying pepper for it will mess up their smeller for awhile I use to use it in the old days in the barracks in the military when the dogs came thru they had to leave and then came back later on
Oh- sorry- fashion tips.
Here's one. Stop wearing those tight nut-crushing jeans. Get them at least 2 inches too loose, then wear a belt!
Also, Wear your cap with the bill toward the front.
ABurningMouth said:
Oh- sorry- fashion tips.
Here's one. Stop wearing those tight nut-crushing jeans. Get them at least 2 inches too loose, then wear a belt!
Also, Wear your cap with the bill toward the front.

This doesn't mean off your asss either. I don't want to see your underwear dude!
okie joe said:
Also I can't remember but someone told me place banana peels around your plants to keep aphids away

I actually tried this and not good results. The flies and ants came in by the hundreds because of the peels and I have heard that ants herd aphids. Either way, it attracted more bugs than the plants without the peels.
When I dig a hole to put the plant in....I dig it 4 inches deeper. Then put a half of Teaspoon of Epson Salt 4 inches under the plant. It seams to work. Dont know what it does. Learned from my father, and have always done it.
I've always used Epsom salt on my peppers and tomatoes, as well as garden sulfur, and have always gotten good results, here's an article about the effects....

I also add fish emulsion, compost, and ground up egg shells and egg shell tea (ground up egg shells in water and let ferment for a month...in the shed of course because the smell will knock you over).....it all seems to contribute to healthier plants with a lot less disease and pests.;)
Heres my tip (and it actually happened to my g/f i was there
saw it in person and cracked up)

always make sure the tube of toothpaste that you leave on the bathroom sink is ACTUALLY toothpaste before you put it on tooth brush and brush!!!!
ABurningMouth said:
"Don't take wooden nickels". and "Don't spit in the wind" also Don't fry bacon in the nude".
But seriously; Will orange peels keep the neighbors black lab away?

I always heard a variation of that, "Don't piss in the wind"...unfortunitly, I forgot that rule once........oops :oops:

One I heard alot and found out it's a old wives tale is to plant Marigolds to keep away the aphids.
imaguitargod said:
One I heard alot and found out it's a old wives tale is to plant Marigolds to keep away the aphids.

But certain types of marigold will keep root knot nematodes away. I will find a link for proof. Gimme a bit.
I also have heard that hanging your pot plants upside down concentrates most of the THC into the buds (not true)...oh wait...we're talking peppers...sorry

*297 posts until 5000
gardenkiller said:
But certain types of marigold will keep root knot nematodes away. I will find a link for proof. Gimme a bit.

I believe it's French marigolds at are the best at that. It's not an absolute, just helps, if I remember correctly.
ABurningMouth said:
Oh- sorry- fashion tips.
Here's one. Stop wearing those tight nut-crushing jeans. Get them at least 2 inches too loose, then wear a belt!
Also, Wear your cap with the bill toward the front.

**Laughing** And always wear underwear with shorts...LOL...Because no one wants to see the 'boys' hanging out!

HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Heres my tip (and it actually happened to my g/f i was there
saw it in person and cracked up)

always make sure the tube of toothpaste that you leave on the bathroom sink is ACTUALLY toothpaste before you put it on tooth brush and brush!!!!

***Laughing almost too hard to post***
I actually saw this on You Tube. Some poor guy thought he had toothpaste, turned out to be Preparation H

This is a good thread so far. It was like eating a pepper...I started laughing and the more I read the more I laughed and I was left with a good humorous 'afterburn'. Do ya see the comparision?...LOL
well it wasnt prep h but was a cream for a common infection ladies get now and then she called poison control told her dont worry its ok not toxic just rinse mouth to get taste out
then they asked her who is laughing so loud in the background :lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
well it wasnt prep h but was a cream for a common infection ladies get now and then she called poison control told her dont worry its ok not toxic just rinse mouth to get taste out
then they asked her who is laughing so loud in the background :lol:

Now I'm laughing so hard tears are coming...LOL...She must have been worried.