What are your top 5 Superhot you intend to gros this year ?

VV7 Scorpion
Madballz 7 pod(Just so I can say I have a plant called Madballz, really)
Brown moruga/chocolate moruga(whichever is worse, I need something really bad to mix with a reaper plant)
7 pod Jonah
Bubblegum 7 pod
Giant moruga.
I need to scrap a few plants to make room for these though.
Butch T
Carolina Reaper
Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
7 Pod Brain Strain.

I have a few more super hots on the grow, but these five are the ones I'm most excited about

My top 5..
Moruga Scorpion
Carolina reaper
Bhut Jolokia Assam strain
Butch T
Jamiacan hot Cocolate

Also have White, Peach, and Chocolate Bhuts, 7 pot Orange/Yellow, Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion, Naga Viper, 7 pot Infinity, and a couple others.... Going to be a busy year!
The only superhot seeds I'm starting will be Bubblegum 7
Maybe Brown Moruga scorpion if the seeds are out soon.
I'll be growing cuttings off my overwinter mums of:
Carolina reaper
Yellow Brain
The majority of my little grow will be in Aji lemon and Aji pineapple
Just ordered the following 4 seed types:
Red Savina
Brain Strain
Moruga Trinidad Scorpion
Carolina Reaper
Combined with my Trinidad Scorpions that are going on their third year, I'm hoping that this is finally the year that I get more than a handful of superhot peppers before the Canadian winter closes back in to choke the life out of everything I enjoy.
bada bing, on 03 Jan 2014 - 02:54 AM, said:
bada bing said:
Maybe Brown Moruga scorpion if the seeds are out soon.
GA Growhead said:
Thanks for the link. I've been checking the pepperlover site fairly
often, but I never looked in that section, only in the "seeds" section.
Brown Moruga seeds ordered and on my grow list for this spring.
I have to check seed stock but...
T Scorp. from AJ, from plants that he gave me seeds from 6 yrs. ago
Choc. Habs.
red Habs.
Carolina Reaper
I'm sure there's more :dance:
hmm i am doing a pretty good sized grow this year.
7pot/pod jonah
7pot/pod Barrakpore
peach bhut
chocalate bhut
bahamain goat pepper
and another 7 more 
thank you Grant Hustler for awesome quality seeds  :onfire: